1. The fast has finished its term after prolongation
And was released from the bond of the crescent's vacation
١. قَضى نَحبَهُ الصَومُ بَعدَ المِطالِ
وَأُطلِقَ مِن قَيدِ فَترِ الهِلالِ
2. My right side writer I gave solace
And my left side writer I made toil
٢. وَرَوَّحتُ كاتِبَ جَنبي اليَمينِ
وَأَتعَبتُ كاتِبَ جَنبي الشِمالِ
3. So leave a constriction like the tightening of a belt
To a relief like the loosening of a knot
٣. فَدَع ضيقَةً مِثلَ شَدِّ الإِسارِ
إِلى فُرجَةٍ مِثلِ حَلِّ العِقالِ
4. And rise, bring it like the dress of youth
And wave of oceans and taste of fresh juice
٤. وَقُم هاتِها مِثلَ ثَوبِ النُضارِ
وَمَوجِ البِحارِ وَطَعمِ الزُلالِ
5. May God reward, from me, the bride of valleys
And the cups of seclusion did not mistake her
٥. جَزى اللَهُ عَنّي عَروسَ الدَوالي
وَلا أَخطَأَتها كُئوسُ العَزالي
6. With what she fed of delicious fruits
And what she dressed of weaved shades
٦. بِما أَطعَمَت مِن لَذيذِ الثِمارِ
وَما أَلبَسَت مِن نَسيجِ الظِلالِ
7. And what she chained of melted bliss
And what she lowered of the wings of exultation
٧. وَما سَلسَلَت مِن مُذابِ السُرورِ
وَما خَفَّضَت مِن جِماحِ التَقالي
8. So how she adorned a paradise for the torment
And how she raised a torch for the misguidance
٨. فَكَم زَخرَفَت جَنَّةً لِلعَذابِ
وَكَم رَفَعَت قَبَساً لِلضَلالِ
9. I contend with the cup the judgement of time
So a day against me and a day for me
٩. أُغالِطُ بِالكَأسِ حُكمَ الزَمانِ
فَيَومٌ عَلَيَّ وَيَومٌ بِها لي
10. And she came with what is in the eyes of women
And passed with what is in the heads of men
١٠. وَجاءَت بِما في عُيونِ النِساءِ
وَمَرَّت بِما في رُءوسِ الرِجالِ
11. And I made the gazelle drunk with it when I saw
In its cups the blood of that gazelle
١١. وَأَسلو الغزالَ بِها إِذ أَرى
بِكاساتِها دَمَ ذاكَ الغَزالِ
12. With your life, hurry me to a battlefield
In which any war of argument takes place
١٢. بِعَيشِكَ عُج بي إِلى مَعرَكٍ
يَقومُ بهِ أَيُّ حَربٍ سِجالِ
13. If the water from it mixed the cups
We mixed its tongues with the swords
١٣. إِذا مَزَجَ الماءُ مِنها الكُئوس
مَزَجنا أَسِنَّتَها بِالنِصالِ
14. And I am a horseman of the repentant row
So you be a horseman of the fighting row
١٤. وَإِنِّيَ فارِسُ صَفِّ النِدامِ
فَكُن أَنتَ فارِسَ صَفِّ القِتالِ
15. The slain of beating avoided the people
But not me, rather the slain of affection
١٥. تَجَلَّت عَنِ الناسِ صَرعى الضِرابِ
وَعَنّي وَلَكِن صَريعَ الدَلالِ
16. And a drunk reiterated from his drunkenness
An age against every sober mind
١٦. وَسَكرانَ كَرَّرَ مِن سُكرِهِ
زَمانٌ عَلى كُلِّ عَقلِ مُمالي
17. So the drunkenness of youth and drunkenness of drink
And drunkenness of resistance and drunkenness of union
١٧. فَسُكرُ الشَبابِ وَسُكرُ الشَرابِ
وَسُكرُ الصُدودِ وَسُكرُ الوِصالِ
18. Do not remind of the days of union
For my covenant with it is nights of nights
١٨. فَلا تَذكُرَنَّ عُهودَ الوِصالِ
فَعَهدي بِها وَاللَيالي لَيالِ
19. And I did not weep a covenant hoping for return
But I converse with it with polishing
١٩. وَلَم أَبكِ عَهداً رَجاءَ الرُجوعِ
وَلَكِن أُحادِثُهُ بِالصِقالِ
20. The nights sent against me with severe harm
From old, so they raided my situations
٢٠. بَعَثنَ اللَيالي ببأسٍ شَديدٍ
عَلَيَّ قَديماً فَجاسَت خِلالي
21. So no blame of a scorner came from my cloak
Nor did blame of my essence come from my state
٢١. فَما جاءَ عَن مِعطَفي ذَمُّ جانٍ
وَلا جاءَ عَن جَوهَري ذَمُّ حالي
22. And I did not seek help under the shade of steps
With the dragging of slippers under the luggage
٢٢. وَلَم أَستَغِث تَحتَ ظِلِّ الخُطو
بِ جَرجَرَةَ البُزلِ تَحتَ الرِحالِ
23. So compete against the majestic revered one
You compete with the shoulder of a revered pole
٢٣. فَزاحِم عَنِ الجَلَلِ المُتَّقى
تُزاحِم بِمَنكِبِ عَودٍ جُلالِ
24. You were rough to a state like thorns of citrus
And gentle to another like thorns of chamomile
٢٤. خَشُنتَ لِحالٍ كَشَوكِ القَتادِ
وَلِنتُ لِأُخرى كَشَوكِ السِيالِ
25. And I am not a tongue for the disgrace of begging
And I still am a chest for the honor of begging
٢٥. وَلَستُ لِساناً لِذُلِّ السُؤالِ
وَما زِلتُ صَدراً لِعِزِّ السُؤالِ
26. A talk that saves the branches of clouds
And a root that competes with mountain roots
٢٦. حَديثٌ يُنجّي فُروعَ السَحابِ
وَأَصلٌ يُناطي أُصولَ الجِبالِ
27. And I have a pen which the eye of ability
Flows from it, so the eye of perfection looks
٢٧. وَلي قَلَمٌ مِنهُ عَينُ الكَلا
مِ تَجري فَتَنظُرُ عَينَ الكَمالِ
28. A folk on which the gardens of basil
Are shaded from it, adorned with shades
٢٨. يَراعٌ تَظَلُّ رِياضُ الطُرو
سِ مِنها مُوَشَّحَةً بِالظِلالِ
29. Like the pitfall in which is the fresh juice
Making the pitfall delicious to me in the fresh juice
٢٩. كَمِثلِ الوَقيعَةِ فيها الزُلالُ
يُسيغُ الوَقيعَةَ لي في الزُلالِ
30. And books in which the right of sincerity overflows
And the tongue of debate and argument
٣٠. وَكُتبٌ يَفيضُ بِأَرجائِها
يَمينُ الجَدا وَلِسانُ الجِدالِ
31. Its form preceded it above it
Like arrows ahead of the struggle
٣١. تَقَدَّمَها الشَكلُ مِن فَوقِها
كَمِثلِ السِهامِ أَمامَ النِضالِ
32. And how much they wore enemy hides
And how much they robbed the nude of bands
٣٢. وَكَم تُرِّبَت وَاِنبَرَت لِلعَدُوِّ
كَوَثبِ الشَرارِ وَهَدَّ الجِبالِ
33. They smile about a hopeless desirer
The obvious minaret, pure minaret
٣٣. فَيَأطِرنَهُ مِثلَ أَطرِ القِسِيِّ
وَيَبرينَهُ مِثلَ بَريِ النِبالِ
34. A bridle which took what it aimed
With pulling the reins and releasing the knot
٣٤. بما في بَراثِنِ أُسدِ الغِياضِ
وَما في جُفونِ ظِباءِ الرِمالِ
35. It crowns the orbits of its paper
Suns, suns at the decline
٣٥. وَكَم قد كَسَونَ عَواري ظُباً
وَكَم قد سَلَبنَ عَواري عَوالي
36. So no sleep shortened save the long
And no disease ended save the chronic
٣٦. تَبسَّمُ عَن مُطمِعٍ مُؤيِسٍ
بَدِيِّ المَنارِ صَفِيِّ المَنالِ
37. And lift it up to me, so the lowest of chance
Takes from me the highest of luck
٣٧. عِنانٌ تَناوَلَ ما رامَهُ
بِشَدِّ الحِضارِ وَحَلِّ العِقالِ
38. As for my enemy, I do not sleep if
The ghost of imagination cheers him in sleep
٣٨. تُكَلِّلُ أَفلاكَ قِرطاسِها
شُموسٌ شَوامِسُ عِندَ الزَوالِ
39. And the bellow of stallions did not disturb my hearing
So how would the howl of pups alarm me?
٣٩. فَلا أَقصَرَ النَومُ غَيرَ الطِوالِ
وَلا حَسَمَ الداءَ غَيرَ العُضالِ
40. A talk like the buzzing of the hidden flies
And a fate like the flight of dodging flies
٤٠. وَرَفِّه عَلَيكَ فَأَدنى السُؤا
لِ يَأخُذُ مِنِّيَ أَعلى النَوالِ
41. And the lack of sleep made them absent minded
So they became absent minded and did not occur to me
٤١. وَأَمّا عَدُوّي فَلا نِمتُ إِن
تَسَرّاهُ في النَومِ طَيفُ الخَيالِ
42. And no wonder if who you have guided is misguided
Misguidance of the guide is the guide of misguidance
٤٢. وَما راعَ سَمعي رُغاءُ الفُحولِ
فَكَيفَ يَروعُ ثُغاءُ السِخالِ
43. It will suffice for the example in its like
Your latter ones who sufficed me the first ones
٤٣. حَديثٌ كَما طَنَّ خافي الذُبابِ
وَقَدرٌ كَما طارَ عافي الذُبالِ
44. And I have not profited except for he who
Tomorrow buys words from principal money
٤٤. وَإِنَّ القَماءَةَ أَخفَتهُمُ
فَخَفّوا فَما خَطَروا لي بِبالِ
45. And how much was said about a speaker that
He, and he, and he, and increased in hyperbole
٤٥. وَلا غَروَ لَو ضَلَّ مَن قَد هَدَيتَ
ضَلالُ الدَليلِ دَليلُ الضَلالِ
46. So I came to his water spring without finding direction
And I did not see in his desert except perishing
٤٦. سَيَكفي عَلى الرَسمِ في مِثلِهِ
أَواخِرَكُم مَن كَفاني الأَوالي
47. A hope that points with pulling the journey
And despair that points with unloading the journey
٤٧. وَما رِبحُ أَحسَنتُ إِلّا لِمَن
غَدا يَشتَري القَولَ مِن رَأسِ مالِ
48. And a state which has an adornment in talk
That deceives, while its result is not the state
٤٨. وَكَم قيلَ عَن قائِلٍ إِنَّهُ
وَإِنَّ وَإِنَّ وزادَ التَغالي
49. And your resistance to me is resistance of boredom
And my resistance to you is resistance of boredom
٤٩. فَجِئتُ إِلى مائِهِ غَيرَ آلٍ
فَلَم أَرَ في قَفرِهِ غَيرَ آلِ
50. If you were my money that is in my hand
Then I am money leaning to other than money
٥٠. رَجاءٌ يُشيرُ بِشَدِّ المَطِيِّ
وَيَأسٌ يُشيرُ بِحَطِّ الرِحالِ
51. A prophet! My patience heard his promise
So do not trick it with saying and words
٥١. وَحالٌ لَها حِليَةٌ بِالحَديثِ
تَغُرُّ وَمَحصولُها غَيرُ حالِ
52. And I took from gentleness the poison of the tailor
And I complain from fate the narrowness of range
٥٢. وَصَدِّيَ عَنك صُدودُ العِتابِ
وَصَدُّكَ عَنّي صُدودُ المَلالِ
٥٣. إِذا كُنتَ مالي الَّذي في يَدي
فَإِنِّيَ مالٍ إِلى غَيرِ مالِ
٥٤. نَبا سَمعُ صَبري عَلى وَعدِهِم
فَلا تَختَدِعهُ بِقيلٍ وَقالِ
٥٥. وَلَجتُ مِنَ اللُطفِ سَمَّ الخِياطِ
وَأَشكو مِنَ الحَظِّ ضيقَ المَجالِ