
How often I thirst for the watering place of union

وكم بت عطشانا إلى مورد اللمى

1. How often I thirst for the watering place of union
Even if I am drowning in the sea of tears

١. وَكَم بِتُّ عَطشاناً إِلى مَورِدِ اللَمى
وَإِن كُنتُ في بَحرِ الدُموعِ غَريقا

2. We bid farewell to companions, one group of beloved ones
Whose loss grieves us, while hearts are a different group

٢. فَريقَينِ وَدَّعنا فَريقاً أَحِبَّةً
تَعِزُّ عَلَينا وَالقُلوبَ فَريقا

3. There is no life in complaining, and what comfort is there
In what gladdens enemies and saddens a friend

٣. وَلا رَوحَ في الشَكوى وَأَيَّةُ راحَةٍ
بِما سَرَّ أَعداءً وَساءَ صَديقا

4. And we lament, for every house according to its fate
With which elegy do we weep for carnelian, carnelian

٤. وَإِنّا لَنَنعي كُلَّ دارٍ بِقَدرِها
بِأَيَّةِ ما نَبكي العَقيقَ عَقيقا

5. The torrent of tears still flows in their quarters
Until we saw that tears had become a road

٥. وَما زالَ سَيلُ الدَمعِ يَجري بِرَبعِهِم
إِلى أَن رَأَينا الدَمعَ صارَ طَريقا

6. O dove of passion, as passion bears witness
I am more deserving to gather the branch than you, slight one

٦. حَمامَ اللِوى إِنّي كَما يَشهَدُ الهَوى
لَأَولى بِضَمِّ الغُصنِ مِنكَ وَريقا

7. And how often it spent the night, and the warbling swooped in its branch
So it woke up faint in body, weak

٧. وَكَم باتَ وَالتَغريدُ يَهفو بِعَطفِهِ
فَأَصبَحَ مَنهوكَ القَوامِ دَقيقا

8. Until we thought it was sick with love
And the lovers saw in it a passionate lover

٨. إِلى أَن حَسِبناهُ مِنَ السُقمِ عاشِقاً
وَكانَ يَرى العُشّاقُ مِنهُ عَشيقا

9. When its bright-red foot beats
You'd think the branches of acacia were most wretched

٩. إِذا دَقَّ ساقاً طالِعاً جُلَّنارُهُ
ظَنَنتَ غُصونَ البانِ عُدنَ شَقيقا