
After separation, a house and neighbors changed

تنكر بعد البين دار وجيران

1. After separation, a house and neighbors changed
Neither the house remained as it was, nor did the people remain as they were

١. تَنَكَّرَ بَعدَ البَينِ دارٌ وَجيرانُ
فَلا الدارُ ما كانَت وَلا القَومُ ما كانوا

2. If you ask about the house, the house is its people
The only difference is that it stood still while they moved away

٢. أَبِن عَنكَ ذِكرَ الدارِ فَالدارُ أَهلُها
وَلا فَرقَ إِلّا أَن أَقامَت وَأَن بانوا

3. Yesterday doves cooed in the garden
Today crows cawed in the ruins

٣. وَأَن سَجَعَت في الرَوضِ أَمسِ حَمائِمٌ
وَأَن نَعَبَت في القَفرَةِ الآنَ غِربانُ

4. Though a house may cast shade like a garden
And homes become desolate places when deserted

٤. عَلى أَن داراً إِذ تُظَلِّلُ جَنَّةٌ
وَأَنَّ دِياراً إِذ تُهَجِّرُ أَظعانُ

5. If their company brought us joy when near
Then their absence has estranged us, O neighbors!

٥. فَإِن أَنِسَت في القُربِ مِنهُم مَجالِسٌ
فَقَد أَوحَشَتنا بِالتَباعُدِ جيرانُ

6. Parting from loved ones is the most difficult separation
Time passed, days went by

٦. لَقَد أَلِفَ الإِلفانِ أَصعَبَ فُرقَةٍ
مَضى وَمَضَت فيها زَمانٌ وَأَزمانُ

7. Generosity and wealth never gather in one palm
Beauty and kindness never gather in one face

٧. فَلَم يَجتَمِع في الكَفِّ جودٌ وَثَروَةٌ
وَلَم يَجتَمِع في الوَجهِ حُسنٌ وَإِحسانُ

8. Rather, one face to him is like the sun at night
While to her, his palm is like the deceitful sea

٨. وَلَكِنَّ وَجهاً عِندَهُ الشَمسُ لَيلَةٌ
وَلَكِنَّ كَفّاً عِندَها البَحرُ غُدرانُ