
Take it as gifts, not as favors

وخذها عقودا ولا منة

1. Take it as gifts, not as favors
When I tell the sea to take it as gifts

١. وَخُذها عُقوداً وَلا مِنَّةً
إِذا قُلتُ لِلبَحرِ خُذها عُقودا

2. The pearl has no qualms, it overflows from its palm
Pouring into its hearing, returning

٢. فَلا غَروَ وَالدُرُّ مِن كَفِّهِ اِس
تفيدَ إِلى سَمعِهِ أَن يَعودا

3. I send you through it heavens
I send to glory through it eternity

٣. بَعَثتُ إِلَيكَ بِها جُنَّةً
بَعَثتُ إِلى المَجدِ مِنها الخُلودا