
My messenger returned, so I asked "What happened?"

عاد رسولي فقلت ما جرى

1. My messenger returned, so I asked "What happened?"
He said "Matters too long to explain."

١. عادَ رَسولي فَقُلتُ ما جَرى
قالَ أُمورٌ طَويلَةُ الشَرحِ

2. When did you see a lover paying attention
To the advice of well-wishers?

٢. مَتى رَأَيتَ المُحِبَّ مُلتَفِتاً
إِلى الأَحاديثِ مِن ذَوي النُصحِ

3. You have wronged me, yet I'm not inclined
To say "You're wrong," since I'm not vindictive.

٣. أَنَّبتَ ظُلماً وَلَستُ أَسمَحُ أَن
تَقولَ هَذا فَلَستُ بِالسَمحِ

4. You came only with salt, intending that
The salt dissolve me in the mouth of my wound.

٤. ما جِئتَ إِلّا بِالمِلحِ تَقصِدُ أَن
يُذيبَني المِلحُ في فَمِ الجُرحِ