1. God bought from some people, so they sold
And He called them to guidance, so they obeyed
١. اِشتَرى اللَهُ مِن أُناسٍ فَباعوا
وَدَعاهُم إِلى الهُدى فَأَطاعوا
2. He strengthened them for what He saw them
Qualified for of His jihad, so they succeeded
٢. هُوَ قَوّاهُمُ عَلى ما رَآهُمُ
أَهلَهُ مِن جِهادِهِ فَاِستَطاعوا
3. And jihad is truly the path to Him
Levels they did not take so they were lost
٣. وَالجِهادُ الطَريقُ حَقّاً إِلَيهِ
دَرَجاتٌ لَم يَسلُكوها فَضاعوا
4. This life is only a pleasure
Then our lives will end and the pleasure too
٤. إِنَّما هَذِهِ الحَياةُ مَتاعٌ
ثُمَّ تَفنى حَياتُنا وَالمَتاعُ
5. So determine His matter with the best response
For cutting off a response to Him is cutting off
٥. فَصَّلوا أَمرَهُ بِخَيرِ جَوابٍ
فَاِنقِطاعُ الجَوابِ عَنهُ اِنقِطاعُ