
Spare your arrows, for you have struck down my warriors,

وفر سهامك قد أصبت مقاتلي

1. Spare your arrows, for you have struck down my warriors,
And lower your eyelids, for you have known your contenders.

١. وَفِّر سِهامَكَ قَد أَصَبتَ مَقاتِلي
وَاِغضُض جُفونَكَ قَد عَرَفتَ مَخاتِلي

2. The soul of the slain did not deny its wounds,
Rather, it denied out of anger the face of the killer.

٢. ما أَنكَرَت نَفسُ القَتيلِ مُصابَها
بَل أَنكَرَت غَضَباً بِوَجهِ القاتِلِ

3. You are the beloved in his eyes, so when the face
Of morning appears, you are the pupil of the censurer.

٣. أَنتَ الحَبيبُ بِعَينِهِ فَإِذا بدا
وَجهُ الصَباحِ فَأَنتَ عَينُ العاذِلِ

4. And I have been granted enough censure in you due to a trait
That irritated the glance of the coquettish and pretentious.

٤. وَلَقَد كُفيتُ العَذلَ فيكَ لِشيمَةٍ
غَضَّت لِحاظَ الأَشوَسِ المُتَخايِلِ

5. When you censure, you have not gained a listener,
And when you are heard, you have not gained a speaker.

٥. وَإِذا عَذَلتَ فَما ظَفِرتَ بِسامِعٍ
وَإِذا سُمِعتَ فَما ظَفِرتَ بِقائِلِ

6. I do not complain of a time whose circumstances shift,
For how much complaining is there of a tilted rod?

٦. لا أَشتَكي دَهراً تَميلُ صُروفُهُ
فَكَم الشِكايَةُ مِن قَضيبٍ مائِلِ

7. I thanked it on the day of flowing plenty,
And I blame it after a time of pouring rain.

٧. أَشَكَرتُهُ في يَومِ نَغبَةِ راشِحِ
وَأَذُمُّهُ مِن بَعدِ ديمَةِ وابِلِ

8. It did not raise my gaze or lower it -
The cheer of the generous or the frown of the miser.

٨. ما كانَ يُعلى ناظِري وَيَغُضُّهُ
بِشرُ الكَريمِ وَلا عُبوسُ الباخِلِ

9. And I protect my hopes, guarding one who sees
The path of the hopeful, not the thanks of the hopeful.

٩. وَأَصونُ آمالي صِيانَةَ مَن يَرى
عُرفَ المُؤَمَّلِ دونَ شُكرِ الآمِلِ

10. As for the breast of religion being the outlet of its ardors,
Upon it is the origin with the sight of one who draws water.

١٠. أَمّا وَصَدرُ الدينِ مَورِدُ هيمِها
فَعَلَيهِ مَصدَرُها بِرَؤِّ الناهِلِ

11. And if you attain its opinion and its piety,
Your purpose in it secures you from the laziness of the indolent.

١١. وَإِذا ظَفِرتَ بِرَأيِهِ وَبِرَيِّهِ
أَمِنَت مُناكَ بِهِ خُمولَ الخامِلِ

12. You tied its intention like one who settles,
Its traits tie the intention of one who departs.

١٢. يَمَّتُهُ فَعَقَدتَ نِيَّةَ قاطِنٍ
أَوصافُهُ يَعقِدنَ نِيَّةَ راحِلِ

13. I sensed a light from the majesty of its face
That adorned the blemish of every idle day.

١٣. آنَستُ نوراً مِن جَلالَةِ وَجهِهِ
حَلّى تَريبَةَ كُلَّ يَومِ عاطِلِ

14. That white hand, except that it
Stupefied me with Babylonian magic from its potency.

١٤. تِلكَ اليَدُ البَيضاءُ إِلّا أَنَّها
مِن طِرسِها حَيَّت بِسِحرٍ بابِلي

15. So I remained from it in the shelters of passions
Until my soul was restored in the shades of my tribe.

١٥. فَلَبِثتُ مِنها في أَوارِ هَواجِر
ما رُدَّ روحي في ظِلالِ أَصائِلي

16. It came with the complaint of every astonishing meaning
And arrived with the thorns of every formidable utterance.

١٦. جاءَت بِشِكَّةِ كُلِّ مَعنىً مُعجِزٍ
وَأَتَت بِشَوكَةِ كُلِّ لَفظٍ هائِلِ

17. I recited it, rather I feared it, so I recited it,
And betrayal exists at the tears of one who laments.

١٧. رَدَّدتُها بَل خِفتُها فَرَدَدتُها
وَالغَدرُ بادٍ عِندَ دَمعِ الصائِلِ