1. She complains to him that her companion has forsaken her since he forsaken her
She hid from him, concealing herself
١. تَشكو إِلَيهِ أَنَّ صا
حِبَها جَفاها مُذ جَفاها
2. From him and fearing that he would see her
If he possessed the cure
٢. خَفِيَت عَلَيهِ تَسَتُّراً
مِنهُ وَخَوفاً أَن يَراها
3. She would not have complained of him, he would have cured her
If she was presented before his eyes he would have looked upon her and cured her
٣. وَلَو أَنَّهُ مَلَكَ الشِفا
ءَ لِما شَكَتهُ لَما شَفاها
4. You have disliked her and loved her
Alas! She has not attained her wish from him
٤. وَلَو أَنَّها عُرِضَت عَلى
عَينَيهِ عايَنَها شِفاها
5. I sacrifice myself for you! Where has your glory reached of sacrificing for her?
How can the sky of your glory carry her misfortune?
٥. أَكَرِهتَها وَأُحِبُّها
هَيهاتَ لا بَلَغَت مناها
6. As long as you live, as long as a life for her lives
It is harshness in life, I have no sorrow from it but her
٦. جُعِلَت فِداكَ وَأَينَ قَد
رُكَ في المَعالي مِن فِداها
7. I fear your glory that I say, and would that I knew what it necessitates
Reach your approval, for with her disapproval, in it is her approval
٧. أَنّى يَسومُ سَماءَ مَج
دِكَ اَن يُناطَ بِها ثَراها
8. Oh her morning whose complaints were not diverted from you
And you will have to be patient for nights of your blame, hating it forever
٨. دامَت عُلاكَ فَكُلَّما
دامَت لَها دامَت عُلاها
9. Until the nailed one sleeps in her bed from his darkness
And her sun dies in it, drowned
٩. هِيَ جَفوَةٌ في الدَهرِ ما
لِيَ حَسرَةٌ مِنهُ سِواها
10. And the morning eulogizes it
So when I reach the dawn with her, her companionship makes me forgetful
١٠. وَأَهابُ مَجدَكَ أَن أَقو
لَ وَلَيتَ شِعرِيَ ما اِقتَضاها
11. And the night, if the light of your smile does not stop it, does not end
١١. أبلغ رِضاكَ فَإِنَّهُ
مَعَ سُخطِها فيهِ رِضاها
١٢. يا صُبحَها لا صُرفَت عَن
كَ الأَعِنَّةُ مِن سُراها
١٣. وَلَتَحلَمَنَّ عَلى لَيا
لي عَتبِكُم أَبَداً كَراها
١٤. حَتّى يَنامَ عَلى مَضا
جِعِها المُسَمِّرُ مِن دُجاها
١٥. وَيَموتُ فيها شَمسُها غَرَقاً
وَيَندُبُها ضُحاها
١٦. فَإِذا بَلَغتُ بِها إِلى
سَحَرٍ تَغَشّاني عِشاها
١٧. وَاللَيلُ إِن لَم يُنهِهِ
ضَوءُ اِبتِسامِكَ لا تَناهى