
By my life, though he has parted from his love at dawn,

لعمري لئن أضحى عن الغيد عاديا

1. By my life, though he has parted from his love at dawn,
Indeed he confided to the desolate his secret displayed.

١. لَعَمري لَئِن أَضحى عَنِ الغيدِ عادِيا
لَقَد فَضَّهُ سِرّاً إِلى البيدِ بادِيا

2. And bid farewell to pleasure, now grown old,
And let fall a tear, though glory is precious.

٢. وَوَدَّعَهُ مَغنىً مِنَ اللهو آهِلاً
وَأَرخَصَهُ دَمعاً عَلى المَجدِ غالِيا

3. And plunged into a sea of cares
That burst forth from his eyelids unrestrained.

٣. وَأَصبَحَ في بَحرٍ مِنَ الهَمِّ غائِصاً
فَأَطلَقَها مِن مُقلَتَيهِ لَآلِيا

4. How I wished that he had parted from humiliation
And that you were pleased that he passed the night blaming others.

٤. أَساءَكِ أَن أَضحى عَنِ الذُلِّ راحِلاً
وَسَرَّكِ أَن أَمسى على الغَيرِ ثاوِيا

5. Reprove him justly for qualities of yours
That I see made bare by the hands of events.

٥. أَبيحيهِ عَدلاً مِن خَلائِقِكِ الَّتي
أَراها بِأَيدي الحادِثاتِ عَوارِيا

6. Grant me safety from inheriting his farewells
Though after nights, nights again should divide.

٦. إلى الأَمنِ مِنّي أَن تَرِثَّ وَصائِلي
وَإِن قَطَعَت بَعدَ اللَيالي لَيالِيا

7. Do you fear that if we meet I may jest?
Or fear that if we part I may grieve?

٧. أَتَخشَينَ إِن طالَ اللِقاءُ تَسَلِّيا
وَتَخشَينَ إِن طالَ الفِراقُ تَأَسِّيا

8. Give me the camel's rein after her;
You erred not save that my fidelity was surety.

٨. هِبي لي عِنانَ الرَكبِ كَالدَمعِ بَعدَها
فَإِنَّكِ ما اِستَغدَرتِ إِلّا وَفائِيا

9. With fidelity you left men of passion,
And with treachery you left passionate men.

٩. لَغادَرتِ بِالعَهدِ الغَوانِيَ أَن وَفَت
رِجالاً وَبِالغَدرِ الرِجالَ غَوانِيا

10. And be not deceived by tears; some tears
Are mirage, and my belief in them went not straight.

١٠. وَلا تُخدَعي بالدَمعِ فَالدَمعُ بَعضُهُ
سَرابٌ وَظَنّي نَحوَهُ ما سَرى بِيا

11. But these cheeks refused to show
Aught but my condition, however times be inert.

١١. وَلَكِن أَبَت هَذي الخُدودُ بِأَن تُرى
عَلى عَطَلِ الأَحوالِ إِلّا حَوالِيا

12. I wondered, when my reason went astray and my sight
Strayed toward them, and to lookers they glistened.

١٢. عَجِبتُ لَها إِذ ضَلَّ عَقلي وَناظِري
بِها وبَدَت لِلناظِرينَ دَرارِيا

13. You said, "Would you cast away your soul?" I said, "For an aim."
And cast the stone at those who throw stones loftily.

١٣. تَقولُ أَتَرمي النَفسَ قُلتُ لِعِلَّةٍ
وَتَرمي النَوى بِالمُقتِرِينَ المَرامِيا

14. Perhaps distance may cure me. Then she recited:
"Enough that you see death as your physician."

١٤. لَعَلِّيَ يَشفيني البِعادُ فَأَنشَدَت
كَفى بِكَ داءً أَن تَرى المَوتَ شافِيا

15. She said "Farewell" and went her way. I replied:
God has favors that grant all wishes.

١٥. وَقالَت أَمانٍ وَدَّعَت فَأَجبتُها
ولِلَهِ أَلطافٌ تُنيلُ الأَمانِيا

16. I wept but sensed no comfort for tears.
Yes, none is cured who thinks you will not meet.

١٦. بَكَيتُ فَما آنَستُ لِلدَمعِ راحَةً
نَعَم ما شُفِيَ مَن ظَنَّ أَن لا تَلاقِيا

17. I, above dust and beneath it,
Will keep a pact like my love for you enduring,

١٧. وَإِنّيَ مِن فَوقِ التُرابِ وَتَحتَهُ
لِأَحمِلُ عَهداً مِثلَ حُبِّكِ باقِيا

18. And though my love may not last, it is
Like your pact, Time has not gloated at its fading.

١٨. وَأَبلى وَإِن لَم يَبلَ حُبّي فَإِنَّهُ
كَعَهدِكَ لَم يَشمَت بِهِ الدَهرُ بالِيا

19. Through you we wore the night until our hair whitened
As we put it off, our temples turned hoary.

١٩. وَفيك لَبِسنا اللَيلَ ما شابَ رَأسُنا
إِلى أن خَلَعناهُ وَشِبنا نَواصِيا

20. I pleased in my love for you those angered by greatness.
Would that he were pleased with me!

٢٠. وَأَرضَيتُ في حبّيكِ مَن أَغضَبَ العُلا
وَيا لَيتَهُ لَو كانَ عَنِّيَ راضِيا

21. I watered my cheek with tears, and sometimes
I grew angry and watered the heights and the lofty places.

٢١. وَأَروَيتُ خَدّي مِن دُموعٍ وَرُبّما
غَضِبتُ فَأَروَيتُ العُلا وَالعَوالِيا

22. In you a barren spot called me and I answered it,
So my reply shied from being an answer.

٢٢. وَفيكِ دَعَتني قَفرَةٌ فَأَجَبتُها
فَهابَ صَداها أَن يَكونَ جَوابِيا

23. In my heart I concealed a secret love for you
That will remain though you destroy my heart.

٢٣. أَبَحتُكِ سِرّاً في الفُؤادِ بِرَدِّهِ
سَيبقى وَإِن أَفنَيتُ فيكِ فُؤادِيا

24. A counselor blamed you to appease his anger
As if he were the loyal, untainted friend.

٢٤. شَفى ناصِحٌ فيكُم يُرَدُّ بِغَيظِهِ
عَلى أَنَّهُ كانَ الصَديقَ المُصافِيا

25. By God, I would not have made a tattler an arbiter,
Even if the love were a tattler in it.

٢٥. وَوَاللَهِ لا حكَّمتُ واشِيَ حُبِّها
وَلَو كانَ فيها الحُبُّ بِالحُبِّ واشِيا

26. One busied with a heart that your cares filled
So it had no care though empty.

٢٦. تَمَلّى بِقَلبٍ سَرَّ دَهرَكِ شُغلُهُ
فَلَم يَخلُ مِن هَمٍّ بِأَن كانَ خالِيا

27. Help me at your trysting-place with the water of union.
It is a refuge that was hot from the burning wind.

٢٧. أَغِثني بِماءِ الوَصلِ مَأواكِ إِنَّهُ
حِمىً كانَ مِن رَهجِ الحَمِيَّةِ كاسِيا

28. And I watered there the fire of love, and sometimes
The flames caught that which did not burn.

٢٨. وَأَروَيتُ نارَ الحُبِّ فيهِ وَرُبَّما
تَعَلَّقَتِ النيرانُ ما كانَ حامِيا

29. For her sake I weep eyes that watch
And eyes that I fear, eyes that attack.

٢٩. وَمِن أَجلِها أَبكي جُفوناً وَأَتَّقي
جُفوناً وَأَخشاها جُفوناً عَوادِيا

30. For a fire I praise ribs that blaze
And suffer burning and heal tears that scald.

٣٠. وَأُثني عَلى نارٍ ضُلوعاً وَأَلتَظي
وُلوعاً وَأَستَشفي دُموعاً جَوارِيا

31. I set out to you, but do not name you, a journey
And begin it though you are visible to people.

٣١. إِلَيكَ وَلا أُسميكَ أَضمَرتُ رِحلَةً
وَأَبدَأَها لِلخَلقِ كَونُكَ بادِيا

32. Others are named according to their worth,
But your worth made names more lofty.

٣٢. وَغَيرُكُمُ الأَسماءُ تَسمو بِقَدرِهِ
وَقَدرُكُمُ زادَ الأَسامي تَسامِيا

33. When Solomon's desire summoned me,
I rode the wind, seeking the plains.

٣٣. سُلَيمانُ مَلكٌ إِذ سَما بِيَ قَصدُهُ
رَكِبتُ إِلَيهِ الريحَ أَبغي الغَوادِيا

34. You see it when the sea churns with waves
Scorpions lurking underneath drink from it.

٣٤. تَراها وَلُجُّ البَحرِ يُزبدُ ماؤُهُ
عَقارِبَ يَستَبطِنَّ مِنهُ أَفاعِيا

35. I reckon the character of nights, what they conceal
Of their mysteries, are not counted as nights.

٣٥. وَأَحسَبُ أَخلاقَ اللَياليَ ما عَفَت
لَها عَن سُراها أَو حُسِبنَ لَيالِيا

36. Had they not been like nights, they would not
Stir sorrows or attain wishes.

٣٦. وَلَو لَم تَكُن مِثلَ اللَياليَ لَم تَكُن
تُثيرُ مَنايا أَو تُنيلُ أَمانِيا

37. Strange are they, neighboring nights
That roamed and stared at the stars blankly,

٣٧. فَيا عَجَباً مِنها لَيالي جيرَةٍ
سَرَينَ فَيَمَّمنَ النُجومَ هَوادِيا

38. Rose with the bow from them, crescent shaped,
And were of their colors colors rich.

٣٨. طَلَعنَ مَعَ التَقويسِ مِنها أَهِلَّةً
وَكُنَّ مِنَ الأَلوانِ مِنها دَآدِيا

39. They flutter with a burden and blackened thoughts
And he travels! So steer them, you voyagers of cares!

٣٩. يَطِرنَ بِحِملٍ وَاِسوِدادِ خَواطِرٍ
وَيَسلُكُ فَيا راكبوها مَغانِيا

40. On wings we fluttered at dawn, their wing,
And sped, arrows like arrows in meadows.

٤٠. وَجُنحٍ أَرَشنا بِالصَباحِ جَناحَهُ
فَسِرنا سِهاماً كَالسِهامِ مَواضِيا

41. We listen in our hearts to them attentively
So the fish of the deep spend the night conversing.

٤١. وَنُصغي لَها بِالقَلبِ أُذناً سَميعَةً
يَبيتُ لَها فَختُ السِماكِ مُناجِيا

42. At evening we gave the winds their reins
And I gave the epochs of time my reins.

٤٢. عَشِيَّةَ أَعطَينا الرِياحَ عِنانَها
وَأَعطَيتُ أَحكامَ الزَمانِ عِنانِيا

43. We race winds and they race us
And we stand firm, light swift steeds.

٤٣. نَسيرُ رِياحاً وَالرِياحُ نُسيرُها
وَنَثبُتُ أَطواداً خِفافاً رَواسِيا

44. Of the water's expanse we built from them fortresses,
Nor did we tie up except when we dropped anchor.

٤٤. بَنَينا فُوَيقَ الماءِ مِنها مَعاقِلاً
وَلا أَسرَ إِلّا أَن وَضَعنا المَراسِيا

45. I launched galleys above the wind from them
And held back galleys beneath the sea from them.

٤٥. فَأَرسَلتُ فَوقَ الريحِ مِنها طَوافِياً
وَأَمسَكتُ تَحتَ البَحرِ مِنها طَوافِيا

46. Thoroughbreds galloped to God on legs
And thoroughbreds rose to Him, towering.

٤٦. رَكَضنَ مُنيباتٍ إِلى اللَهِ أَرجُلاً
وَقُمنَ مُنيباتٍ إِلَيهِ صَوارِيا

47. What crow but them will bring the tribe together again
And the stranger hopes through them for approach?

٤٧. وَأَيُّ غُرابٍ يَجمَعُ الشَملَ غَيرُها
وَيَرجو الغَريبُ الدارِ مِنها التَدانِيا

48. Woe to me, if I obey the rage of my soul,
Woe to me, if it craves nothing but the heights!

٤٨. عَلَيَّ لِنَفسي أَن أُطيعَ اِشتِطاطَها
عَلَيَّ إِذا لَم تَبغِ إِلّا المَعالِيا

49. I must not crane my heart forward by day
Nor crane my eye backward by night.

٤٩. وَأَلّا أَكُرَّ القَلبَ صُبحاً أَمامِيا
وَأَلّا أَجُرَّ الطَرفَ لَيلاً وَرائِيا

50. When my wish's ally conversed with Him,
Then far-fetched that time should pass conversing!

٥٠. إِذا ناصِرُ الأَملاكِ ناجَتهُ هِمَّتي
فَهَيهاتَ يَمضي مِن يَدي الدَهرُ ناجِيا

51. The first condition that I obliged after longing
Is that my praise is given to none but you.

٥١. وَأَوَّلُ شَرطٍ بَعدَ شَوقي التَزَمتُهُ
بِأَنَّ ثَنائي لا أُوَلّيهِ ثانِيا

52. I alighted through you to a vast courtyard
And so brimmed with thanks to you for time's plenty.

٥٢. نَزَلتُ فِناءً مِنكَ كَالدَهرِ رَحبُهُ
فَأَملَيتُ شُكراً فيكَ لِلدَهرِ مالِيا

53. I see all remembrance but yours perishing.
Apart from the heights, nothing is inexhaustible to repay!

٥٣. أَرى كُلَّ ذِكرٍ غَيرَ ذِكرِكَ يَنقَضي
فَدونَ العُلا ما لا يَمَلُّ التَقاضِيا

54. It runs freely even by the sword if hidden
And flows even by water if passing the night stagnant.

٥٤. يَجودُ وَلَو بِالسَيفِ إِن ظَلَّ غائِراً
وَيَندى وَلَو بِالماءِ إِن باتَ صادِيا

55. When an outburst of anger from Him is enough, God spare its evil!
It overflows the days and they return nights.

٥٥. إِذا غَضبَةٌ مِنهُ كَفى اللَهُ شَرَّها
أُفيضَت عَلى الأَيّامِ عادَت لَيالِيا

56. It is shown by the bats eating its light
And stars revert to the wastes with their whiteness.

٥٦. بِآيَةِ أَنَّ النَقعَ يَأكُلُ نورَها
وَتَرجِعُ بِالبيضِ النُجومُ بَوادِيا

57. The homes of kings lay in rubble
So you came on their heels and rhymed their ends.

٥٧. وَكانَت بُيوتُ المُلكِ مَنقوضَةَ البِنا
فَجِئتُم عَلى الأَعقابِ فيها قَوافِيا

58. You mastered, leaving no resisting foe,
You charged, leaving no attacking foe.

٥٨. سَطَوتُم فَلَم تَبقوا عَدُوّاً مُبائِناً
وَجُدتُم فَلَم تَبقوا عَدُوّاً مُداجِيا

59. And you bared between time and us
Swords in the hands of foes, returning foes.

٥٩. وَجَرَّدتُمُ بَينَ الزَمانِ وَبَينَنا
سِيوفاً عَلى أَيدي العَوادي عَوادِيا

60. And you sharpened swords on the world, Indian swords
That marry the necks of foes, weeping.

٦٠. وَأَمهَرتُمُ الدُنيا سُيوفاً بَواسِماً
نَكَحنَ رِقاباً لِلأَعادي بَواكِيا

61. You unleashed havoc toward the fighter, a guide,
And glory stood between hopes, crying aloud.

٦١. بَعَثتَ الرَدى نَحوَ المَقاتِلِ رائِداً
وَقامَ النَدى بَينَ الأَماني مُنادِيا

62. So the Merciful made your rule endure; they are
Places where lifetimes spend the night at meadows.

٦٢. فَأَبقى بِها الرَحمَنُ مُلكَكَ إِنَّها
مَواضٍ بِها الأَعمارُ تَغدو مَواضِيا