
O you who are departing from me while my love for you grows stronger

أيها الراحلون عني ويحدو

1. O you who are departing from me while my love for you grows stronger
As their mounts stride on, with my heart urging them along

١. أَيُّها الراحِلونَ عَنّي وَيَحدو
في مَطاياهُم بِقَلبِيَ حادي

2. You took away my heart, my joy, my comfort
And my patience, my wishes, my rest and my sleep

٢. بِنتُمُ بِالفُؤادِ وَالأُنسِ وَالرا
حَةِ وَالصَبرِ وَالمُنى وَالرُقادِ

3. My life was blissful until I lost it the day you left
Were you intending to return?

٣. طيبُ عَيشي فارَقتُهُ يَومَ فارَق
تُم فَهَل كُنتُم عَلى ميعادِ

4. You robbed the heart of its beloved,
And you were the ones I looked for in the darkness

٤. قَد سَلَبتُم مِنَ الفُؤادِ سُوَيدا
هُ وَكُنتُم مِن ناظِري في السَوادِ

5. So return to my heart what is missing of joy and companionship
Or return my sleep to me

٥. فَأُعيدوا إِلى فُؤادِيَ ما غا
بَ مِنَ الأُنسِ أَو أُعيدوا رُقادي