
Where the water of youth flows in its valleys

حيث ماء الشباب في وجنتيها

1. Where the water of youth flows in its valleys
It does not flow and its fire is not kindled

١. حَيثُ ماءُ الشَبابِ في وَجنَتَيها
لَيسَ يَجري وَنارُهُ لا تُشَبُّ

2. I did not fear a snake crawling on my cheek
Nor a scorpion creeping on it

٢. لَم أَخَف حَيَّةً عَلى الخَدِّ تَسعى
لا وَلا عَقرَباً عَلَيهِ يَدِبُّ

3. I died of anguish in the softness of my confinement
My wish in roses and roses ravaged

٣. مِتُّ ضيقاً في الرِقِّ رِقِّ غَليلي
مَطَلَتهُ بِالوِردِ وَالوِردُ نَهبُ

4. He who does not love me said what he does not love
And the talk of the hated one is hatred and lies

٤. قالَ مَن لا أُحِبُّ ما لا أُحِبُّ
وَحَديثُ البَغيضِ بُغضٌ وَكِذبُ

5. And for my present he has a tongue but I have not
O people I am for what my heart said

٥. وَلِحَيني لَهُ لِسانٌ وَما لي
أَنا يا قَومِ لِلَّذي قالَ قَلبُ

6. I owe him gratitude as he thought
But I have anger and reproach for him

٦. واجِبٌ شُكرُهُ عَلَيَّ كما ظَن
نَ وَعِندي عَلَيهِ غَيظٌ وَعَتبُ

7. He came to me sick and most difficult
What he came to say was I came to cure you

٧. جاءَني مُمرِضاً وَأَصعَبُ ما قَد
جاءَني أَن يَقولُ جئتُ أَطِبُّ