
You were created as the Sublime desired,

كأنك مخلوق كما شاءت العلا

1. You were created as the Sublime desired,
Above the proposals of fate and inspirations,

١. كَأَنَّكَ مَخلُوقٌ كَما شاءَتِ العُلا
وَفَوقَ اِقتِراحاتِ المُنى وَالقَرائِحِ

2. And I do not complain except for my inadequate eulogies
And the brevity of my praises.

٢. وَما أشتَكي إلا نُهوضَ نَداكُمُ
وَتَقصيرَ ما أَنهَضتُهُ مِن مَدائِحِ

3. O embodiment of pure hopes, how often have I praised,
When we two praised you with goodness.

٣. أَيا صالِحَ الآمالِ كم قُلتُ مُثنياً
إِذا نَحنُ أَثنَينا عَلَيكَ بِصالِحِ

4. The pardon of grace has exceeded my utmost ambitions,
And the obedient generosity has satisfied my utmost desires.

٤. تَجاوَزَ عَفوُ الفَضلِ أَقصى مَطامِعي
وَراضَ مُطيعُ الجودِ أَقصى مَطامِحي

5. The generosity to seekers is copious,
Yet in praising it my eulogies fell short.

٥. مَنادِحُ جودٍ لِلطلابِ وَسيعَةٌ
وَلَكِن بِها في المَدحِ ضاقَت مَنادِحي

6. Your generosity is an ocean that drowns poetry when it turns
Turbid, though pearls do not swim.

٦. وَجودُكَ بَحرٌ يُغرِقُ الشِعرَ إِذ غَدا
كَدُرٍّ وَإِنَّ الدُرِّ لَيسَ بِسابِحِ

7. If I have done well in my words about you,
My wings will do better than them.

٧. لَئِن كُنتُ قَد أَحسَنتُ في القَولِ فيكُمُ
فَأَحسَنُ مِنهُ ما تُجِنُّ جَوانِحي

8. Curb your sincere advice about glory,
For you see him with the eyes of glory, you are not an advisor.

٨. أَناصِحَهُ في المَجدِ كُفَّ فَإِنَّهُ
يَراكَ بِعَينِ المَجدِ لَستَ بِناصِحِ