
God loses not the work of any,

لا يضيع الله من عمل

1. God loses not the work of any,
Though it be hidden, say thy will; to gain it speak and sue.

١. لا يُضيعُ اللَهُ مِن عَمَلِ
وَلَكَ السَرّا فَقُل وَطُلِ

2. The stand of him God guided right, showed him the ways and true.
What won ye and what won by you shall not be lost to you

٢. في سَبيلِ اللَهِ مَوقِفُ مَن
قَد هَداهُ أَرشَدَ السُبُلِ

3. By God's grace, not by trickery. Your champions shall buy back
The day they fled and left you; by their lives shall they buy you back.

٣. كُلُّ ما نِلتُم وَنيلَ بِكُم
فَبِحَولِ اللَهِ لا الحِيَلِ

4. A stand right bitter to the taste, but honey-sweet when once 'tis past.
Speak of it! Sweet as honey then the thought will prove at last.

٤. تَفتَدي الشُجعانُ نَقعَكُمُ
يَومَ فَرّوا مِنهُ بِالمُقَلِ

5. High hope flies high, and high hope's path by high endeavor must be trod.
Your mettled champions breast the steep as torrent breasts the rock.

٥. مَوقِفٌ مُرُّ المَذاقِ فَإِن
حَدَّثوا عَنهُ فَكَالعَسَلِ

6. Say to the craven, where's the sun amid this clotted gloom?
How oft a shirt of mail, how oft a fire-new blade pressed home!

٦. وَالعُلا تُرقى وَكَيفَ بِها
وَمَراقيها مِنَ الأَسَلِ

7. Traits never found on coward breast or niggard soul.
Days never showed on soul unwise or breast of dross.

٧. تَنطَحُ الشُجعانُ حَملَتَهُ
كَنِطاحِ السَيلِ لِلجَبَلِ

٨. قُل لِمَخدوعٍ بِجُملَتِهِ
أَينَ مثلُ الشَمسِ في الحَمَلِ

٩. كَم سَعا دَرعاً كَمُنسَجِمٍ
قَصَّ مِن سَيفٍ بِمُشتَعَلِ

١٠. وَخِصالٍ قَطُّ ما حُمِلَت
لا عَلى جُبنٍ وَلا بُخُلِ

١١. فَتَرى الأَيّامَ ما حُمِلَت
لا عَى فَقرٍ وَلا وَجَلِ