
If I did not have praises for your loftiness,

لو لم يكن لي في علاك مدائح

1. If I did not have praises for your loftiness,
My descent to your abode would suffice, O radiant one.

١. لَو لَم يَكُن لي في عُلاكَ مَدائِحٌ
لَكَفى نُزولي طارِقاً بِذَراكا

2. I shall not boast of what I have praised your loftiness with,
For words carried naught but your meaning.

٢. لا أَبجَحَنَّ بِما مَدَحتُ بِهِ العُلا
اللَفظُ لَم يَحمِل سِوى مَعناكا

3. Had I taken for it a partner in loftiness,
I would have seen my partner's association as polytheism.

٣. وَلَو اِتَّخَذتُ لَهُ شَريكاً في العُلا
لَرَأَيتُ شَركي غَيرَهُ إِشراكا

4. If I erred by ignoring a group,
Thankfulness of the tongue - you alone were intended.

٤. وَلَئِن غَلِطتُ بِأَن أَعَرتُ جَماعَةً
شُكرَ اللِسانِ فَما المُرادُ سِواكا

5. So people, if endowed with fine speech were granted it,
The doing is yours - I never perceived any loftiness but yours.

٥. فَالناسُ إِن نُحِلوا المَقالَ نَحَلتُهُم
مِنكَ الفِعالُ وَما رَزَأت عُلاكا

6. I made excuses when I could not attain, for you,
Description - and my incapacity was a perception.

٦. وَبَسَطتُ عُذري حينَ لَم أُدرِك لَكُم
وَصفاً وَكانَ العَجزُ لي إِدراكا