1. He drew closer my bonds in passion, and I thanked him,
For had he not wanted me, he'd not have drawn my bonds.
١. وَشَدَّ وَثاقي في الهَوى وَشَكَرتُهُ
فَلَو لَم يُرِدني لَم يَشُدَّ وَثاقي
2. Mayhap the days will bring about a state other than this,
And so replace the narrowness of grief with narrowness of embrace.
٢. عَسى تُعقِبُ الأَيّامُ حالاً بِغَيرِها
فَيُعقِبُ ضيقَ الهمِّ ضيقُ عِناقي
3. When will the afflicted rejoice in the day of reunion,
If it's preceded by a year of parting?
٣. مَتى يَفرَحُ المُضنى بِيَومِ لِقائِهِ
إِذا كانَ مَشفوعاً بِعامِ فِراقِ
4. And the world presented to me a bride of a suitor,
Yet I found her naught but a writ of marriage-gift.
٤. وَزَفَّ لِيَ الدُنيا عَقيلَةَ خاطِبٍ
فَما خِلتُهُ إِلّا كِتابَ صَداقِ