
There is nothing on earth that surpasses Syria

ليس في الأرض ما يفوق سوى الشام

1. There is nothing on earth that surpasses Syria
So let me forget all other horizons

١. لَيسَ في الأَرضِ ما يَفوقُ سِوى الشا
مِ وَدَعني مِن سائِرِ الآفاقِ

2. O winds of Syria, you are a messenger
Who strives to fulfill lovers' needs

٢. يا رِياحَ الشَآمِ أَنتِ رَسولٌ
يَتَعَنّى في حاجَةِ العُشّاقِ

3. And when you blow upon my ardour with a breeze
You take the place of an embrace between the bushes

٣. وَإِذا زُرتِ غُلَّتي بِنَسيمِ
قامَ بَينَ الحَشا مَقامَ العِناقِ

4. You have fields of passion from my tears
So gallop through them like the galloping of steeds

٤. لَكِ مِن أَدمُعي مَيادينُ شَوقٍ
فَاِركُضي فيهِ مِثلَ رَكُضِ العِتاقِ

5. My eyelids have stored treasures of tears
So strive, O sorrows, in spending them

٥. ذِخِرَت مُقلَتي كُنوزَ دُموعِ
فَاِجهَدي يا هُمومُ في الإِنفاقِ

6. So it is as if the echoes called him from afar
And as if the rustling was the voice of the she-camel rider

٦. فَكَأَنَّ الأَنداءَ نَفتَهُ راقِ
وَكَأَنَّ الحَفيفَ صَوتُ الراقِ

7. Peace be upon the intimate nights
With meaning from the remaining nights

٧. وَسَلامٌ عَلى اللَيالي الخَوالي
مِن مُعَنّى مِنَ اللَيالي البَواقي

8. They distracted me from Syria with talk
Though my heart yearns for it with passions

٨. عَلَّلوني عَنِ الشَآمِ بِذِكرٍ
إِنَّ قَلبي إِلَيهِ بِالأَشواقِ

9. Remembrance portrayed it to my eyes as if
I was walking there with glances

٩. مَثَّلَتهُ الذِكرى لِعَيني كَأَنّي
أَتَمَشّى هُناكَ بِالأَحداقِ

10. The clouds do not cease drifting over it
Dressing the branches in the finery of leaves

١٠. لا أَغَبَّ الغَمامُ عَنهُ تَحايا
تُلبِسُ الغُصنَ سُندُسَ الأَوراقِ

11. God has tortured with parting, parting
And made us taste the flavor of parting

١١. عَذَّبَ اللَهُ بِالتَنائي التَنائي
وَأَذاقَ الفِراقَ طَعمَ الفِراقِ