
His cheek possesses a brocade

لاح وفي خديه ديباجة

1. His cheek possesses a brocade
Embroidered by poetry with threads of dew

١. لاحَ وَفي خَدَّيهِ ديباجَةٌ
طَرَّزَها الشَعرُ بِلَبلابِ

2. The door to his mouth is shut
And his perfumed cheek guards the door

٢. بابُ سُلُوّي دونَهُ مُغلَقٌ
وَصُدغُهُ الزُرفِينُ لِلبابِ

3. O you who prevent even his trysts
Who can I trust with your lying promises?

٣. يا مانِعي حَتّى مَواعيدَهُ
مَن لي بِوَعدٍ مِنكَ كَذّابِ