
Love inquired, and its question was a plea,

سأل اللوى وسؤاله تعليل

1. Love inquired, and its question was a plea,
Yet it is impossible that the aloof would answer.

١. سَأَلَ اللوى وَسُؤالُهُ تَعليلُ
وَمِنَ المُحالِ بِأَن يُجيبَ مَحيلُ

2. O abode, our eyelids and ribs have strived,
For you, with weeping and sorrow we are spent.

٢. يا دارُ جُهدُ جُفونِنا وَضُلوعِنا
لَكِ بِالبُكاءِ وَبِالأَسى مَبذولُ

3. It was clothed with gowns from meadows,
The thread of clouds its garment had unknit.

٣. زُرَّت عَلَيهِ مِنَ الرِياضِ مَلابِسٌ
خَيطُ الغَمامِ لِوَشيِها مُحلولُ

4. My companion grieved at my state,
So today he returned as messenger.

٤. رَقَّ العَذولُ لِما رَأى مِن حالَتي
فَاليَومَ عادَ إِلَيهِ وَهوَ رَسولُ

5. Or do you not see me, after him, carrying
The weight of sorrow, as if I were borne?

٥. أَو ما تَراني حامِلاً مِن بَعدِهِ
ثِقَلَ الأَسى فَكَأَنَّني مَحمولُ

6. If only I had a letter praising virtues,
Then the preference would rightly be mine.

٦. مَن لي بِخَطٍّ بِالفَضائِلِ عارِفٍ
فَيَحِقُّ حينَئِذٍ لِيَ التَفضيلُ

7. Sheathe your tongue from speaking, for it
Encompasses fury, with warriors in its flanks.

٧. اَغمِد لِسانَكَ أَن يَقولَ فَإِنَّهُ
عَضبٌ أَحاطَ بِجانِبَيهِ فُلولُ

8. And prevent it from its outbursts, and suffice it
With them, for in speech are sharp swords and blades.

٨. وَاِمنَعهُ مِن نَفَثاتِهِ وَكَفى بِها
فَمِنَ الكَلامِ أَسِنَّةٌ وَنُصولُ

9. Entrust your time to change all that
You disliked, for that is guarantor enough.

٩. كَفِّل زَمانَكَ أَن يُغَيِّرَ كُلَّ ما
أَنكَرتَهُ فَكَفاكَ مِنهُ كَفيلُ