
Among you are full moons whose hands hold stars

ومنكم بدور في يديها كواكب

1. Among you are full moons whose hands hold stars
Of white in the clouds of honored litters

١. وَمِنكُم بُدورٌ في يَدَيها كَواكِبٌ
مِنَ البيضِ في سُحبِ العَجاجِ رَواجِمُ

2. The gardens of earth gladdened with your reign
And the soft branches danced with glee

٢. تَوَشَّت رِياضُ الأَرضِ بُشرى بِمُلكِكُم
وَقَد رَقَصَت فيها الغُصونُ النَواعِمُ

3. The streams clapped with joy for your sake
And the doves cooed praises for you

٣. وَقَد صَفَّقَت مِمّا طَرِبنَ جَداوِلٌ
وَقَد غَرَّدَت بِالحَمدِ فيكُم حَمائِمُ

4. You came to us while the stars slumbered
Oblivious, and events were asleep

٤. سَرَيتُم إِلَينا وَالنُجومُ غَوافِلٌ
عَلى غَفلَةٍ وَالحادِثاتُ نَوائِمُ

5. I see myself informing of them as if I were informed
And waking among them as if I were sleeping

٥. أُرَى مُخبِراً عَنها كَأَنّي مُخَبَّرٌ
وَمُستَيقِظاً فيها كَأَنِّيَ نائِمُ

6. You flew to it while the morn seemed
Frightened, and the lances of spears arriving

٦. وَطِرتُم إِلَيها وَالصِفاحُ كَأَنَّها
خَوافٍ وَقاماتُ الرِماحِ قَوادِمُ

7. The protected tribe seeks vengeance on the enemy
Oh hawks above them angry and scowling

٧. وَتُزجي الكُماةُ الكُمتَ طالِبَةَ العِدى
فَيا لَصَقورٍ فَوقَهُنَّ ضَراغِمُ