
Yes, he knows the clear truth and turns away

نعم يعرف الحق الجلي ويصدف

1. Yes, he knows the clear truth and turns away
And turns away from my intimate affection and knows

١. نَعَم يَعرِفُ الحَقَّ الجَلِيَّ وَيَصدِفُ
وَيَصدِفُ عَن وُدّي الحَفِيِّ وَيَعرِفُ

2. So do not oblige him in my love with pretense
For there is no good in love which is pretended

٢. فَلا تُلزِموهُ في وِدادي كُلفَةً
فَلا خَيرَ في الودِّ الَّذي يُتَكَلَّفُ

3. Thus I do not see that words can be correct
If they are correct for one you addressed yet pretended

٣. فَلَستُ أَرى أَنَّ الخطابَ يَصِحُّ أَن
يَصِحَّ لِمَن خاطَبتَ وَهوَ مُكَلَّفُ

4. And detains lovers in the ruins if he pardoned
Except me over ruins he pardoned I am not detained

٤. وَيَستَوقِفُ العُشّاقَ في الرَبعِ إِن عَفا
سِوايَ عَلى رَبعٍ عَفا لا أُوَقِّفُ

5. And he has sympathy for me and gentleness for me
As the egg is gentle and the hard one becomes sympathetic

٥. وَلي عَطفَةٌ مِنهُ وَلي مِنهُ رِقَّةٌ
كَما البيضُ رَقَّت وَالقِسِيُّ تَعَطَّفُ