
Though they scatter pearls of glory, yet not scattered they,

إن ينثروا الدر من مجد فما نثروا

1. Though they scatter pearls of glory, yet not scattered they,
Or string the pearls in lines of praise, composed their lay,

١. إِن يَنثُروا الدُرَّ مِن مَجدٍ فَما نَثَروا
أَو يَنظِموا الدُرَّ في حَمدٍ فَما نَظَموا

2. Each one of us hath need of other, each his friend doth prize,
To me all praise is pleasant, as gifts are to your eyes,

٢. كُلٌّ لَهُ حاجَةٌ مِنّا بِصاحِبِهِ
فَالمَدحُ عِندي كَما المَعروفُ عِندَكُمُ

3. Ye were beforehand with me, e'en as I with you,
So we and you have shared the race, your swiftness to pursue.

٣. سَبَقتُمُ بي كَما أَنّي سَبَقتُ بِكُم
فَالسَبقُ مُقتَسَمٌ بَيني وَبَينَكُمُ