1. Morning dawned, so how fare you, O dusk?
Arise, and kindle yourself with its branch, or do without.
١. زارَ الصَباحُ فَكَيفَ حالُكَ يا دُجى
قُم فَاِستَذمَّ بِفَرعِهِ أَو فَالنَجَا
2. The boughs saw his slender shape, so they leaned affectionately,
And the garden, espying his bloom, turned verdant.
٢. رَأَتِ الغُصونُ قَوامَهُ فَتَأَوَّدَت
وَالرَوضُ آنَسَ نَشرَهُ فَتَأَرَّجا
3. O you whose visit followed long despair,
Wished-for wishes may come after hopes are deferred.
٣. يا زائِري مِن بَعدِ يَأسٍ رُبَّما
تُمنى المُنى مِن بَعدِ إِرجاءِ الرَجا
4. Do you see the new moon? Did you board it like a boat,
Or not? How then did you cross a sea of gloom?
٤. أَتَرى الهِلالَ رَكِبتَ مِنهُ زَورَقاً
أَو لا فَكَيفَ قَطَعتَ بَحراً مِن دُجى
5. Or did you visit me, with stars for your mounts,
So I see their Pleiades showing me flashes of lightning?
٥. أَم زُرتَني وَمِنَ النُجومِ رَكائِبٌ
فَأَرى ثُرَيّاها تُريني هَودَجا
6. Your eyelids toyed with hearts and their love,
While your cheek is a race-course and your temple a cudgel.
٦. لَعِبَت جُفونُكَ بِالقُلوبِ وَحَبِّها
وَالخَدُّ مَيدانٌ وَصُدغُكَ صَولَجا
7. I hope for nobility alone,
While wealth, you hastened to hope for.
٧. لا أَرتَجي إِلّا الكَرامَةَ وَحدَها
فَالمالُ قَد أَعجَلتَهُ أَن يُرتَجى
8. Nights recite a surah of your bounty,
Which your poets shape into a paradigm.
٨. تَتلو اللَيالي سورَةً مِن فَضلِكُم
فَتُقيمُها شُعَراؤُكُم أُنموذَجا
9. Two fires: a fire for dwellings and a fire for battlefields.
For God's sake, your organization extinguishes or kindles them.
٩. نارانِ نارُ قِرىً وَنارُ وَقائِعٍ
لِلَهِ دَرُّكَ مُطفِئاً وَمُؤَجِّجا
10. I attained your company not through a mediator's favor,
So I've become rich, O sun of morning, without having to pay.
١٠. باشَرتُ بِشرَكَ لا بِمِنَّةِ شافِعٍ
فَغَنيتُ يا شَمسَ الضُحى أَن أُسرِجا