
O excellent one, your eloquence has amazed us

يا فاضلا بهرتنا من فصاحته

1. O excellent one, your eloquence has amazed us
An eloquence beyond what mortals can achieve

١. يا فاضِلاً بَهَرَتنا مِن فَصاحَتِهِ
بَلاغةٌ لَم تَكُن في قُدرَةِ البَشَرِ

2. You sent them as pearls that graced our ears
O ocean, your gifts of pearls are enough

٢. أَرسَلتَها دُرَراً حَلَّت مَسامِعَنا
يا بَحرُ حَسبُكَ ما أَهدَيتَ مِن دُرَرِ

3. Words and script, both so beautifully composed
By a gifted one, filling hearing and sight

٣. لَفظٌ وَخَطُّ وَكُلٌّ مِنهُما حَسَنٌ
مِن مُحسِنٍ فَهيَ مِلءُ السَمعِ وَالبَصَرِ

4. I continue to gather Layla's beauties
And gather them, so speak of the flowers and blossoms

٤. فَلَم أَزَل اَجتَني لَيلى مَحاسِنِها
وَأَجتَنيها فَقُل في الزُهرِ وَالزُهَرِ