
When you lift your veil that covers

وإذا رفعت حجابك المرفوع عن

1. When you lift your veil that covers
My eyes, who will there be for your modest veil?

١. وَإِذا رَفَعتَ حِجابَكَ المَرفوعَ عَن
عَيني فَمَن لِحِجابِكِ المَستورِ

2. So blame the noble one for what went wrong,
He is bound by it, for it is his fate.

٢. فَلَكٌ بِما ساءَ الكَريمَ مُسَمَّرٌ
هُوَ مِنهُ في قَيدٍِ لَهُ مَسمورِ

3. And when the signs are cut off from the youth,
He stretches his hands to the hand of destiny.

٣. وَإِذا تَقَطَّعَتِ القَرائِنُ بِالفَتى
أَلقى اليَدَينِ إِلى يَدِ المَقدورِ