
I kissed the soil, though I had never heard

وقبلت تربا ما سمعت ولا الورى

1. I kissed the soil, though I had never heard
Of any soil that was not his, for his roses

١. وَقَبَّلتُ تُرباً ما سَمِعتُ وَلا الوَرى
بِتُربٍ سِواهُ قَد سَمِعنا بِوِردِهِ

2. Had perfumed the earth, and filled it with their word.
But for the reverence due to hoary hairs,

٢. وَلَولا وَقارُ الشَيبِ كُنّا بِأَمرِهِ
حَكَمنا عَلى عَصرِ الشَبابِ بِرَدِّهِ