
Speak to us, O youth, and narrate,

حدثنا يا فتى وأخبرنا

1. Speak to us, O youth, and narrate,
And whichever of the two you wish, then say,

١. حَدّثنا يا فَتى وَأَخبرنا
وَأَيِّما شِئتَ مِنهُما فَقُلِ

2. About the men of passion and their support,
From a man among them to another man,

٢. عَنعِنْ رِجالَ الهَوى وَمُسنَدَهُ
عَن رَجُلٍ مِنهُمُ إِلى رَجُلِ

3. About a serpent in the cheeks doing wrong,
Preventing the smelling of its tender bud.

٣. عَن حَيَّةٍ في الخُدودِ ظالِمَةٍ
تَمنَعُ مِن شَمِّ وَردِها الخَضِلِ

4. Verily it has a proven incantation,
And verily its words are from kisses.

٤. إِنَّ لَها رُقيَةً مُجَرَّبَةً
وَإِنَّ أَلفاظَها مِنَ القُبَلِ