1. He found his father of a character to be accepted
Honor one who follows it and one who is followed
١. أَلفَى أَباهُ عَلى خُلقِ تَقَبَّلَهُ
أَكرِمْ بِمُتَّبِعٍ مِنهُ وَمُتَّبَعِ
2. These are the virtues, stop and look at their realities
And I did not tell you to ask about it and listen
٢. هِيَ المَكارِمُ قِف وَاِنظُر حَقائِقَها
وَلَم أَقُل لَكَ وَاِسأَل عَنهُ وَاِستَمِعِ
3. These are the gardens whose clouds pour down
Upon time, so enjoy its two days
٣. وَهيَ الرِياضُ الَّتي تَهمي سَحائِبُها
عَلى الزَمانِ فَفي يَومَيهِ فَانتَجِعِ
4. It ennobles people when they are of its nature
As the days were ennobled by Friday
٤. يُشَرِّفُ الناسَ إِذ هُم مِن جِبِلَّتِهِ
كَما تَشَرَّفَتِ الأَيّامُ بِالجُمَعِ
5. The individual is a thousand even if they were as numerous
As their children on earth, it would not contain them
٥. الفَردُ أَلفٌ وَلَو كانوا بِما وَسِعَت
أَولادُهُم عَدَداً في الأَرضِ لَم تَسَعِ