
The miser is stingy with himself,

على نفسه بخل الباخل

1. The miser is stingy with himself,
So he is wronged if the beggar blames him.

١. عَلى نَفسِهِ بَخِلَ الباخِلُ
فَيُظلَمُ إِن ذَمِّهُ السائِلُ

2. He refuses to give from it and brings blame upon himself,
Indeed the ignorant hopeful is foolish.

٢. اضيَبخَلُ عَنها وَيُجي عَلَي
كَ لَقَد جَهِلَ الآمِلُ الجاهِلُ

3. He does not hoard what is in his hands,
But carries it to another.

٣. وَما هُوَ ذاخِرُ ما في يَدَيهِ
وَلَكِن إِلى غَيرِهِ حامِلُ

4. So good news - the alchemy is sound,
For I have reached his door.

٤. فَبُشرايَ قَد صَحَّت الكيميا
ءُ بِأَنّي إِلى بابِهِ واصِلُ