
I said, as the pampered one turned his face,

قلت إذ قلب المدلل وجها

1. I said, as the pampered one turned his face,
Seeking from its sky a crescent moon,

١. قُلتُ إِذ قَلَّبَ المُدَلَّلُ وَجهاً
طالباً مِن سَمائِهِ شَوّالا

2. And the eyes of onlookers saw him,
Forgetting for his sake the new moon and its splendor,

٢. وَعُيونُ الرائينَ قَد أَبصَروهُ
فَتَناسَوا بِهِ الهِلالَ وَهالا

3. Take a mirror and look at your face in it;
It shows a crescent moon from you.

٣. خُذ مِراةً وَاِنظُر مُحَيّاكَ مِنها
يُبدِ مِنها السَحابُ مِنكَ هِلالا