
Leave her eyes to their inflammation

دع عينه لعفائها

1. Leave her eyes to their inflammation
For their cure is in their disease

١. دع عَينَهُ لِعَفائِها
فَشِفاؤُهُ في دائِها

2. The eye is safe from its enemies
While the heart is not safe from its own

٢. العَينُ مِن أَعدائِهِ
وَالقَلبُ مِن أَعدائِها

3. The passion is like midday thirst
Quenched from its own waters

٣. هَذا وَنيارنُ الهَوى
مَشبوبَةٌ مِن مائِها

4. And your faces, their dawns
Are the tryst of their shining hour

٤. وَوُجوهَكُم لا صُبحُها
ميعادُ وَقتِ ضِيائِها

5. Moon-like, moon-like
In their beauty and melody

٥. قَمَرِيَّةٌ قُمرِيَّةٌ
في حُسنِها وَغِنائِها

6. The heart loathes their distance
While the ears love their music

٦. القَلبُ كارِهُ نَأيِها
وَالسَمعُ عاشِقُ نايِها

7. And I'd accept being slain by her
If that was by her own decree

٧. وَلَقَد رَضيتُ بِقَتلَتي
إِن كانَ ذاكَ بِرَايِها