
Alas! I do not seek favor from your door

هيهات لا أبتغي عن بابكم حولا

1. Alas! I do not seek favor from your door
Shall I seek favor through deceit when alone?

١. هَيهاتَ لا أَبتَغي عَن بابِكُم حِوَلا
أَأَبتَغي حِوَلاً بِالغَبنِ حينَ خَلا

2. The richness of wealth, when I familiarized with its harm
I found every place inhabited ruined

٢. مَغنى الغِنى فَإِذا زاوَلتُ عَقوَتَهُ
وَجَدتُ كُلَّ مَحَلٍّ آهِلٍ طَلَلا

3. So God has enabled one whose chest and neck are free
From shackles and diseases that bind

٣. فَمَكَّنَ اللَهُ مِن صَدرٍ وَمِن عُنُقٍ
مِمَّن يُفارِقُهُ الأَغلالَ وَالعِلَلا

4. God guided us to walk His straight path
Blocking for us every difficult affair, smoothing the roads

٤. اللَهُ أَسلَكَنا مِن قَصدِهِ سُبُلاً
سَدَّت عَلى كُلِّ خَطبٍ رامَنا السُبُلا

5. I used to have no concern but complaining of Him
Today I have no concern but thanking Him

٥. قَد كُنتُ ما لي سِوى عَتبي لَهُ شُغُلٌ
فَاليَومَ لَيسَ سِوى شُكري لَهُ شُغُلا

6. What was impossible to attain from ambitions
Is now in my hands, attained

٦. ما كانَ عَن واقِعِ الأَطماعِ مُمتَنِعاً
قَد صارَ عِندي وَفي كَفَّيَّ قَد حَصَلا

7. May blessings continue for you as they lasted with you
As for imagining more, that cannot be

٧. دامَت لَكُم مِثلَ ما دامَت بِكُم نِعَمٌ
أَمّا تَخَيُّلُ مَعنىً لِلمَزيدِ فَلا

8. You immortalized your generosity among my family
So the life mentioned me and your eternity gave me safety

٨. خَلَّدتَ جودَكَ في أَهلي فَأَذكَرَني ال
دُنيا وَأَمَّنَني تَخليدُكَ الأَجَلا

9. As for authority, its good deed is well-known
And I will not accept it from your door as a substitute

٩. أَمّا الوِلايَةُ فَالمَعروفُ خُطبَتُها
وَلَستُ أَقبَلُها عَن بابِكُم بَدَلا

10. The authority of the door, you do not distance me from it
And anything other than it, he who is delegated has been dismissed

١٠. وِلايَةُ البابِ عَنها لَستَ تَعزِلُني
وَما سِواها فَمَن وُلِّي فَقَد عُزِلا

11. So do not burden me with patience upon patience
Nor burden it to pour honey

١١. فَما تُكَلِّفُني صَبراً عَلى صَبِرٍ
وَلا أُكَلِّفُها أَن تَسكُبَ العَسَلا

12. My weapon for war, an opinion has disabled it
An opinion in opinion is an ornament resembling retirement

١٢. سِلاحُ حَربي مَعَ الأَيّامِ عَطَّلَهُ
رَأيٌ مِنَ الرَأيِ حَليٌ يُشبِهُ العَطَلا

13. So my talk is not with glorifying polite phrases
Nor my writing to people with "from" and "to"

١٣. فَلا حَديثي بِنوناتٍ تُعَظِّمُني
وَلا كِتابي إِلى قَومٍ بِمِن وَإِلى

14. Nor is my heart's pebble under its burden
From the worries of Zayd and Amr, bearing mountains

١٤. وَلا حَصاةُ فُؤادي تَحتَ مَحملِها
مِن هَمِّ زَيدٍ وَعَمرٍو تَحمِلُ الجَبَلا

15. And if the sea would grant, I would face the dust and not
Conceal that my palm has wetness for it

١٥. وَالبَحرُ لَو مَنَّ يَمَّمتُ التُرابَ وَلَم
أَسَرَّهُ أَنَّ في كَفّي لَهُ بَلَلا

16. I swear if its waves cast pearls
And if its salt one day turned to honey

١٦. أَقسَمتُ لَو قَذَفَت أَمواجُهُ دُرَراً
وَلَو تَحَوَّلَ يَوماً مِلحُهُ عَسَلا

17. I would not stretch my palm to it haughtily
Nor raise my gaze to it lazily

١٧. لَما مَدَدتُ إِلَيهِ راحَتي أَنَفاً
وَلا رَفَعتُ إِلَيهِ ناظِري كَسَلا

18. If it were not for our Master's abodes that
When God descends well-being upon, it lodges

١٨. لَولا مَنازِلُ مَولانا وَأَنَّ بِها
لِلَهِ إِذ يَنزِلُ العافي بِها نُزُلا

19. Then our worldly ambitions, when they carried
Their weapons, would avoid me as a brave hero

١٩. كانَت مَطامِعُ دُنيانا إِذا حَمَلَت
سِلاحَها تَتَّقيني فارِساً بَطَلا

20. And I would be slow while hopes are flashing
The slowness of a coward when he senses alarm

٢٠. وَكُنتُ أُبطِئُ وَالآمالُ مومِضَةٌ
بِطءَ الجَبانِ إِذا ما اِستَشعَرَ الوَجَلا

21. Until it is said, "As for man, of haste
So why does this one not hasten to ambitions?"

٢١. حَتّى يُقالَ أَما الإِنسانُ مِن عَجَلٍ
فَما لِهَذا إِلى الأَطماعِ ما عَجِلا

22. And I did not stay up when misfortune furrowed its brows
Furrowing prolonged brows or pouring brows

٢٢. وَلَم أُبَل حينَ يُنشي المُزنُ عارِضَهُ
أَعارِضاً مَطِلاً أَم عارِضاً هَطِلا

23. And I was from a self on the ascent of Saturn
Even if fortune told in its tardiness Saturn's tale

٢٣. وَكُنتُ مِن أَنَفٍ في مُرتَقى زُحَلٍ
وَلَو حَكى الحَظُّ في إِبطائِهِ زُحَلا

24. God has enriched us with our Master and His bounty
From generosity so do not mention stinginess to me

٢٤. اللَهُ أَغنى بِمَولانا وَنِعمَتِهِ
عَنِ الكِرامِ فَلا تَذكُر لِيَ البُخَلا

25. Gifts that delighted his eyes so we have no duty
Except to indulge in its gardens, that occupies us

٢٥. مَواهِبٌ قَرَّ عَيناها فَلَيسَ لَنا
سِوى التَفَكُّهِ في جَنّاتِها شُغُلا

26. How my heart came with preferred needs
Then I left with them at ease, all together

٢٦. كَم جاءَ قَلبي بِحاجاتٍ مُفَضَّلَةٍ
ثُمَّ اِنصَرَفتُ بِها في راحَتي جُمَلا

27. And God lightened from my heart what it carried
Of them in my right hand of grace though heavy

٢٧. وَخَفَّفَ اللَهُ عَن قَلبي بِما حَمَلَت
مِنها يَمينِيَ مِن فَضلٍ وَإِن ثَقُلا

28. So I do not lack a hand if I came to it, it gave
And I returned from it, noble of face, nothing offered

٢٨. فَلا عَدِمتُ يَداً إِن جِئتُها بَذَلَت
وَعُدتُ عَنها كَريمَ الوَجهِ ما بُذِلا

29. He gave and did not promise benefit and hastened it
And where is he who promised benefit but did not hasten?

٢٩. أَعطى وَلَم يَعِدِ الجَدوى وَعَجَّلَها
وَأَينَ مَن وَعَدَ الجَدوى وَما مَطَلا

30. O you who resemble the noble, far are his virtues
And I have not slipped so do not attribute slips to me

٣٠. يا مُشبِهَ المُعتَفي حاشا مَكارِمَهُ
وَما زَلَلتُ فَلا تُلحِق بِيَ الزَلَلا

31. People give if they give when asked
And where, where is he who gives when not asked?

٣١. الناسُ يُعطونَ إِن أَعطَوا إِذا سُئِلوا
وَأَينَ أَينَ الَّذي يُعطي إِذا سُئِلا

32. You have filled the safety of the poor, my hands
The lowest of your virtues fills hopes

٣٢. وَقَد مَلَأتَ أَمانَ المُعتَفينَ يَدي
أَدنى الفَواضِلِ مِنهُ يَملَأُ الأَمَلا

33. To the extent you created refusal in their natures
So we have not lacked you for enriching elevation

٣٣. حَتّى خَلَقتَ إِباءً في خَلائِقِهِم
فَلا عَدِمناكَ مِن مُجدي غِنىً وَعُلا

34. You became, if you said take what you request
He refuses, and requests taking but does not accept

٣٤. فَصِرتَ إِن قُلتَ خُذ ما أَنتَ تَسأَلُهُ
أَبى وَتَسأَلُهُ أَخذاً وَما قَبِلا

35. Therefore it did not befit me if I said you resemble him
And where is the likeness of a torrential rain to a drizzle?

٣٥. مِن ثَمَّ ما ساغَ لي إِن قُلتَ تُشبِهُهُ
وَأَينَ شِبهُ ثَرىً مِن صَيِّبٍ هَطَلا

36. Virtues have set out to people with intention
And did not burden them in its pursuit with saddling

٣٦. مَكارِمٌ رَحَلَت لِلناسِ قاصِدَةً
وَلَم يُكَلِّفهُمُ في قَصدِها الرِحَلا

37. And he is not wedded a virgin bride of his
Except he pours upon her adornment and gowns

٣٧. وَما تُزَفُّ لَهُ بِكراً عَقيلَتُهُ
إِلّا أَفاضَ عَلَيها الحَليَ وَالحُلَلا

38. How many mute tongues his hand has spoken
And made scholars from the ignorant

٣٨. كَم أَنطَقَت يَدُهُ مِن لَهجَةٍ خَرِسَت
وَصَيَّرَت مِن وُلاةِ العِلمِ مَن جَهِلا

39. And poetry regained its Ignorance from him
To the extent the looping of injustice does not loop

٣٩. وَعاوَدَ الشِعرُ مِنهُ جاهِلِيَّتَهُ
حَتّى حَكى حَوكُ جُورٍ ما تَحوكُ فَلا

40. So rise, heel, and prisoner from its verses
Above the words of creation an example

٤٠. فَكَم تَعالى قِفا نَبكِ وَأَسيَرُ مِن
أَبياتِها فَوقَ أَلفاظِ الوَرى مَثَلا

41. Wear that which adorns the life its blossoming
This one who is tailored in the pattern of generosity

٤١. فَالبَس بِما يُلبِسُ الدُنيا نَضارَتَها
هَذا الَّذي في طِرازِ الجودِ قَد عُمِلا

42. We came to you riding calamities we are delighted with
And if we rode to what delights you the smooth

٤٢. جِئناكَ نَركَبُ أَهوالاً نُسَرُّ بِها
وَلَو رَكِبنا إِلى ما سَرَّكَ الأَسَلا

43. So and so threatened us in it with killing, and if
We were skulls in his palms he would not have killed

٤٣. بِالقَتلِ هَدَّدَنا فيها فُلانُ وَلَو
كُنّا كُئوساً بِكَفَّيهِ لَما قَتَلا

44. So I became not fearing the predator in the afternoon
And I sleep not fearing the lurking night

٤٤. فَصِرتُ لا أَتَوَقّى الظُهرَ مُفتَرِساً
وَنِمتُ لا أَتَوَقّى اللَيلَ مُحتَبِلا

45. And there came the cheek of a wind I did not care for
Rather, I almost sipped from it a sip of broth

٤٥. وجاء عارضُ ريحٍ ما أبهتُ له
بل كدتُ أرشفُ منه عارضاً بَقِلا

46. I do not fear a woman in his grip, a woman
For the sword, but a man who assaults with it a man

٤٦. لا أَتَّقي اِمرَأَةً في كَفِّهِ اِمرَأَةٌ
لِلسَيفِ بَل رَجُلاً يَسطو بِهِ رَجُلا

47. Whoever was accustomed in his slightest adventures
To plunge into seas, do not mention to him fear

٤٧. مَن كانَ يَعتادُ في أَدنى مَآرِبِهِ
خَوضَ البِحارِ فَلا تَذكُر لَهُ الوَشَلا

48. So esteem the self in a mention that immortalizes it
For I do not see that mention, if selves are valuable, as expensive

٤٨. فَأَرخِصِ النَفسَ في ذِكرٍ يُخَلِّدُها
فَما أَرىالذِكرَ إِن غاَلَ النُفوسَ غَلا

49. Come to praise with the generous good news, you will find
Grass, if the good news contents its meadow, green

٤٩. أَقبِل عَلى الحَمدِ بِالبِشرِ الكَريمِ تَجِد
عُشباً إِذا البِشرُ أَرضى رَوضَهُ خَضِلا

50. You have bound me inwardly, in you a prisoner
You released outwardly from you an arguer

٥٠. قَد اِرتَبَطتُم فُؤاداً فيكُمُ جَذِلاً
أَطلَقتُموهُ لِساناً عَنكُمُ جَدِلا