1. A fortress from which you made a river of light flow for people,
When you called the resolved to it, a flock of wild ducks flew.
١. حِصنٌ فَجَرتَ بِهِ لِلناسِ نَهرَ ظُباً
لَمّا دَعَوتَ إِلَيهِ الهامَ سِربَ قَطا
2. Consider it a star, though without the moons of its like accompanying it,
It would not have descended from the position of the stars.
٢. عَدُّوهُ نَجماً فَلَولا أَن يُقارِنَهُ
مِن عِترَةِ النَجمِ أَقمارٌ لَما هبَطا
3. Whoever wore the Indian garment became at ease,
Before his limbs were clad in striped cloth.
٣. مِن كُلِّ مَن لَبِسَ الهِندِيَّ راحَتَهُ
مِن قَبلِ ما لَبِسَت أَعضاؤُهُ القُمُطا
4. Its branches send no offshoot from its tresses,
Except it sends the teeth of the comb as a splitter.
٤. لا يُرسِلُ النَقعُ فَرعاً مِن ذَوائِبِهِ
إِلّا وَيُرسِلُ أَسنانَ القَنا مُشُطا
5. What is wrong with the birds staying resolutely
Swaying for provision which has folds for them?
٥. ما لِلطُيورِ عَلى الخَطِّيِّ عاكِفَةً
تَهُزُّ لِلرِزقِ أَعطافاً لَها سُرُطا
6. Did the picking up of its crumbs teach it to break it for love?
Or do you not see it picked up for love of the heart?
٦. هَل عَلَّمَت لَقطَها لِلحَبَّ لَهذَمَها
أَما تَراهُ لِحَبِّ القَلبِ قَد لَقَطا
7. Its pipes are but ladders for you,
To the highest, and the donations of the piercers are a line.
٧. فَما أَنابيبُها إِلّا لَكُم دَرَجٌ
إِلى العَلاءِ وَهَبّاتُ الطِعانِ خُطا