
The closest of what was in his days

أوثق ما كان بأيامه

1. The closest of what was in his days
Betrayed him, and time betrayed its confidant

١. أَوثَقَ ما كانَ بَأيّامِهِ
خانَتهُ وَالأَيّامُ خَوّانَه

2. Time did not heed his days
Nor did fate fear his authority

٢. ما رَعَتِ الأَيّامُ أَيّامَهُ
وَلا اِتَّقى المَقدورُ سُلطانَه

3. If you say who he was and describe him
Everything good described him

٣. إِن قُلتَ مَن كانَ وَما وَصفُهُ
فَكُلُّ شَيءٍ حَسَنٍ كانَه

4. He died and after him people died
Gratitude did not make his kindness die

٤. ماتَ وَماتَ الناسُ مِن بَعدِهِ
وَما أَماتَ الشُكرُ إِحسانَه

5. Noah’s lifetime was not his lifetime
Rather, the deluge flooded his ship

٥. وَعُمرُ نوحٍ لَم يَكُن عُمرَهُ
بَلِ النَدى غَمَّرَ طوفانَه

6. Turn your eyes away from this world and its people
If you do not see its humaneness in it

٦. غَمِّض عَنِ الدُنيا وَعَن أَهلِها
عَينَكَ إِن لَم تَرَ إِنسانَه

7. You kept the edges of sufficient wealth, everyone
Who saw them went back to their tunes

٧. أَبقَيتَ أَطرافَ غِنى كُلُّ مَن
أَبصَرها رَجَّعَ أَلحانَه

8. Its events have stripped it bare
And after that broke its branches

٨. فَقَضَّبَت أَحداثُها دَوحَهُ
وَقَصَفَت مِن بَعدُ أَغصانَه

9. Oh his world, oh his world, how you are not
In your injustice, human to this human

٩. دُنياهُ يا دُنياهُ ما أَنتِ في
ظُلمِكِ ذا الإِنسانَ إِنسانَه

10. The ability of an honorable man has declined
To the truth - his ability did not expand

١٠. وَزالَ إِمكانُ فَتىً واسِعٌ
لِلحَقِّ ما اِستَوسَعَ إِمكانَه

11. If my eyes shed tears over a nightmare
My eyelids command to conceal

١١. إِن أَبكِهِ طَرفي عَلى خيفَةٍ
يَأمُرُ بِالكِتمانِ أَجفانَه

12. And I wish he had revealed his sorrows
So that disclosure carries his sorrows

١٢. وَلَيتَهُ أَعلَنَ أَشجانَه
فَيَحمِلُ الإِعلانُ أَشجانَه

13. And I was, in keeping my love for him
Like a believer hiding his faith

١٣. وَكُنتُ في كِتمانِ حُبّي لَهُ
كَمُؤمِنٍ يَكتُمُ إيمانَه

14. He who made time his garment
How then would he be surprised by its colors?

١٤. مَن جَعَلَ الدَهرَ لِباساً لَهُ
فَكَيفَ يَستَغرِبُ أَلوانَه