1. I was content with love in you, though love is unjust,
And I was angry with determination in you, though determination gives advice.
١. وَأَرضَيتُ فيكَ الحُبَّ وَالحُبُّ جائِرٌ
وَأَغضَبتُ فيكَ العَزمَ وَالعَزمُ ناصِحُ
2. No day of intimacy has passed me by completely gathered,
Nor has any day of separation avoided me completely separated.
٢. وَما مَرَّ بي يَومٌ مِنَ الأُنسِ جامِعٌ
وَلا فاتَني يَومٌ عَنِ الوَصلِ جامِحُ
3. Oh, how good is what my conscience whispers tenderly
Of affection - if only what has passed were begun again -
٣. وَيا طيبَ ما تُحنَى عَلَيهِ ضَمائِري
مِنَ الوُدِّ لَو أَنَّ الَّذي تَمَّ فاتِحُ
4. His face would shine in the darkness of the gathered night,
And the best of kindness is nothing but lanterns.
٤. يَشِفُّ عَلى مُستَجمِعِ اللَيلِ وَجهُهُ
وَما أَوجُهُ الإِحسانِ إِلّا مَصابِحُ
5. I struggled against my days with the day I would meet him,
So, without him, none of time seemed good.
٥. وَعانَدتُ أَيّامي بِيَومِ لِقائِهِ
فَما عُدَّ لَولاهُ مِنَ الدَهرِ صالَحُ
6. They say to me "Why are you so downcast?"
So I said "For the heart that has migrated."
٦. يَقولونَ لي لِم أَنتَ لِلحُزنِ رازِحُ
فَقُلتُ عَلى القَلبِ الَّذي هُوَ نازِحُ
7. And how often was the door of livelihood closed to me, so I called them
Fingers, with the means of livelihood being their keys.
٧. وَكَم سُدَّ بابُ الرِزقِ عَنّي فَسُمتُها
أَنامِلَ لِلأَرزاقِ فيها مَفاتِحُ
8. It is as if they did not know his situation has changed
And that eyes are wounded.
٨. كَأَنَّهُمُ لَم يَعلَموا أَنقَلبَهُ
جَريحٌ وَلا أَنَّ العُيونُ جَوارِحُ
9. So I blamed them for what their hearts could not bear,
For wings drooped under their weight.
٩. فَحَمَّلتُهُم ما لا يُطيقُ فُؤادُهُ
فَقَد حُنِيَت مِن ثِقلِهِنَّ الجَوانِحُ
10. It did not hurt me that the confused babbled in the sea,
Nor did it pain me that the stubborn butted against rocks.
١٠. وَما ضَرَّني أَن بالَ في البَحرِ بائِلٌ
وَلا ساءَني أَن ناطَحَ الصَخرَ ناطِحُ
11. Eulogies - when the truth shone above them -
Glistened. Indeed, sincerity in them is eulogies.
١١. مَدائِحُ لَمّا أَشرَقَ الحَقُّ فَوقَها
تَبَلَّجَ إِنَّ الصِدقَ فيها مَدائِحُ
12. Were it not for quenching the thirst of the reciters
They would have worn me out, doubting I joke.
١٢. وَلَولا رُواءٌ لِلرُواةِ لَبِسنَهُ
مِنَ الحَقِّ ما شَكّوا بِأَنِّيَ مازِحُ
13. May you be rewarded well for kindness and its people
For you have realized it while it was fleeing.
١٣. جُزيتَ عَنِ المَعروفِ خَيراً وَ أَهلِهِ
فَإِنَّكَ قَد حَقَّقتَهُ وَهوَ طائِحُ
14. Do I hope that a cloud will float on clouds?
Or expect that a swimmer will come on the sea?
١٤. أَأَطَمَعُ أَن يَجري عَلى السُّحبِ ساحِبٌ
وَآمُلُ أَن يَأتي عَلى البَحرِ سابِحُ
15. My state would have been improved, though it had been downcast,
And my gratitude would have been too feeble thereafter.
١٥. لَأَصلَحَت مِن حالي وقد كانَ رازِحاً
وَأَعجَزتَ شُكري بَعدَها فَهوَ رازِحُ
16. Signs of gratitude followed the day you were revealed,
And how many wombs were barren after marriage!
١٦. عَقائِلُ شُكرٍ أَعقَبَت يَومَ تُجتَلى
وَكَم عَقِمَت بَعدَ الجِلاءِ المَناكِحُ
17. Say to the beloved poet that his dawn
Sees what destroys violent times.
١٧. فَقُل لِحَبيبِ الشِعرِ إِنَّ صَباحَهُ
وَرى مِنهُ ما تَروي العُصورُ الجَوامِحُ
18. From us, eulogies have expired for him -
But invectives have not expired from us.
١٨. وَقَد فَنِيَت مِنّا عَلَيهِ المَدائِحُ
وَما فَنِيَت مِنّا عَلَيهِ المَنائِحُ
19. So I chaste guarded my thoughts to eulogize him
For my thoughts praise him through my face.
١٩. فَمُذ صانَ وَجهي صُنتُ فِكري لِمَدحِهِ
فَوَجهي لَهُ مِن قَبلِ فِكرِيَ مادِحُ
20. I have not forgotten that gentleness though the sea forgets,
Nor the light of that good tiding though life is arid.
٢٠. وَلَم أَنسَ ذاكَ اللُطفَ وَالبَحرُ مُخلِفٌ
وَلا نورَ ذاكَ البِشرِ وَالعَيشُ كالِحُ