1. I have learned of beauty what an ignorant man does not know
So I do not blame one who is ignorant and finds fault
١. عَلِمتُ مِنَ الحُسنِ ما يَجهَلُ
فَلا كانَ مِن جاهِلٍ يَعذِلُ
2. For God has denied him acceptance
And he knows I do not accept
٢. وَقَد سَلَبَ اللَهُ عَنهُ القَبولَ
وَيَعلَمُ أَنّي لا أَقبَلُ
3. If I had a strong resolve in determination
I would not act this way because of him
٣. وَلَو كانَ لي عَزمَةٌ في السُلُوِّ
لَما كُنتُ مِن أَجلِهِ أَفعَلُ
4. You came to my heart asking permission to enter
But my heart has sworn you cannot enter
٤. أَجِئتَ عَلى القَلبِ مُستَأذِناً
فَقَد حَلَفَ القَلبُ لا تَدخُلُ
5. Your silence is a heavy burden on my heart
And when you speak to me it is even harder to bear
٥. ثَقيلٌ عَلى القَلبِ مِنكَ السُكوتُ
وَأَنتَ إِذا قُلتَ لي أَثقَلُ
6. So tell me, what meaning can be valid
For what reason can you be blamed?
٦. فَقُل لي وَما لَكَ مَعنىً يَصِحُّ
عَلى أَيِّ شَيءٍ تُرى تُحمَلُ
7. Your love for me is enough, do not wish for more
It is enough that I am hasty
٧. كَفاكَ الهَوى أَجَلي أَن تَراهُ
فَحَسبُكَ أَنّيَ مُستَعجِلُ
8. Love is but the polished sword
When blame passes over it, it is polished
٨. وَما الحُبُّ إِلّا الحُسامُ الصَديء
إِذا العَذلُ مَرَّ بِهِ يُصقَلُ
9. The fairest of faces in the darkness of night
Their light dispels the gloom, their night is not dark
٩. مِنَ الحَيِّ أَوجُهُهُم في الدُجى
تُنيرُ فَما لَيلُهُم أَليَلُ
10. You see their fire set for burning hearts
They lit it but did not light their own lamps
١٠. تُرى نارُهُم لِحَريقِ القُلوبِ
فَقَد أَوقَدوها وَلَم يَصطَلوا
11. Between their homes are unsheathed swords
The darkness takes its hue from these bared blades
١١. وَبَينَ بُيوتِهِمُ أَنصُلٌ
خِضابُ الظَلامِ بِها يَنصُلُ
12. Are those the ones your eyes have killed?
There I shall be slain or be the slayer
١٢. أَتِلكَ الَّتي قَتَلتَ بِالعُيونِ
هُنالِكَ أُصرَعُ أَو أُقتَلُ