
The tears ask about you, the home's imprint

الدمع يسأل عنك رسم الدار

1. The tears ask about you, the home's imprint
And sleep unlocked the secrets' seals

١. الدَمعُ يَسأَلُ عَنكَ رَسمَ الدارِ
وَالنَومُ فَضَّ خَواتِمَ الأَسرَارِ

2. So love is a fire, its touch does not lie
And separation in it, has the torment of fire

٢. فَالحُبُّ نارٌ لا يُكَذِبُ مَسُّها
وَالهَجرُ فيهِ مِن عَذابِ النارِ

3. Stand at the ruins, as such with that, for long
You had slept in it, at the last hours of night

٣. قِف بِالهَواجِرِ ذا بِذاكَ فَطالَما
قَد كُنتَ فيها نائِمَ الأَسحارِ

4. O heart! How did you remain after loved ones
Who traveled, and you sufficed with the home

٤. يا قَلبُ كَيفَ بَقيتَ بَعدَ أَحِبَّةٍ
ساروا وَتَقنَعُ عَنهمُ بِالدارِ

5. You're a stone, with it I was thrown, and in it is for me
Tiredness, and its comfort to stones

٥. حُجَرٌ خُلِقتَ بِهِ رُميتَ وَفيهِ لي
تَعَبٌ وَراحَتُهُ إِلى الأَحجارِ

6. As for the nights near it, as per its pact
In the dress of darkness, not of light

٦. أَمّا اللَيالي عِندَها فَكَعَهدِها
في لِبسَةِ الظَلماءِ لا الأَنوارِ

7. It's not the nights I want, but rather
Who dwelled in it, of the moons

٧. ما مَقصِدي مِنها اللَيالِ وَإِنَّما
مَن كانَ ساكِنَها مِنَ الأَقمارِ

8. Time is nothing but a cheating money-changer
If only his deception were for money!

٨. ما الدَهرُ إِلّا صَيرَفِيُّ خادِعٌ
لَيتَ الخَديعَةَ مِنهُ لِلدِينارِ

9. It took the flowers, the stars from our loved ones
From it, and distributed it to the flowery one

٩. أَخَذَ النُجومَ الزَهرَ مِن أَحبابِنا
مِنها وَصَرَّفَها بِذي الأَزهارِ

10. I said: when spring shines with its light
You don't forget, but remind of the lit lamps

١٠. قَد قُلتُ إِذا شاقَ الرَبيعُ بِنورِهِ
لَم تُنسِ بَل ذَكَّرتَ بِالنُوّارِ

11. Its lover! You are not short of honesty
A giver of ripened water, and a fertile fire

١١. أَشَقيقَها ما أَنتَ قَطُّ لِرُشدِهِ
مَسقِيُّ ماءٍ جَنىً وَمُثمِرُ نارِ

12. Maybe the blood of lovers to it had
Preceded the early rain drops

١٢. وَعَسى دِماءُ العاشِقينَ إِلَيهِ قَد
سَبَقَت بُكورَ بَواكرِ الأَمطارِ

13. Maybe the blackness of their hearts in its heart
So their affliction, in the places of suppression

١٣. وَعَسى سَوادُ قُلوبِهِم في قَلبِهِ
فَمُصابُهُم بِمَواضِعِ الإِضمارِ

14. Oh you traveling the path of my eyes
But no, never from settlement

١٤. يا راحِلينَ بِخَطِّ عَينِيَ مِنكُمُ
لَكِنَّ لا هَيهاتَ مِن إِقرارِ

15. It will return you from building signs, in a night
Like a consolation, so I followed the vigor of day

١٥. سَيَرُدُّكُم مِن أَمارِ بِلَيلَةٍ
كَسلى فَأُتبِعُها نَشاطَ نَهارِ

16. The home bare, like its dwellers
So yes, and if the gathering was long, disgrace!

١٦. الدارُ عارِيَةٌ كَما سُكّانُها
فَيا وَإِن طالَ اللِقاءَ عَواري

17. Oh companion of days, beware a
Dreaded companionship, of arrival and departure

١٧. يا صاحِبَ الأَيّامِ حاذِر صُحبَةً
مَحذورَةَ الإِقبالِ وَالإِدبارِ

18. So when the young man experiences his fate
It doesn't bring you into evil, from evils

١٨. فَإِذا الفَتى دَهرِهِ خَبَرُ فَلا
يورِدكَ في شَرٍّ مِنَ الأَشرارِ

19. For life is shortest it can be, and our life
They speak of it, the longest of lives

١٩. فَالعُمرُ أَقصَرُ ما يَكونُ وَعُمرُنا
يَحكُونَ عَنهُ أَطوَلُ الأَعمارِ