
Their abode wept, and dawn wept its desolation,

بكت دارهم والصب يبكي عفاءها

1. Their abode wept, and dawn wept its desolation,
And bolstered the rhymes of parting with a third,

١. بَكَت دارُهُم وَالصَبُّ يَبكي عَفاءَها
وَعَزَّزَ إِرزامَ المُلِثِّ بِثالِثِ

2. No fabricated tales were listened to therein,
But the chronicles of events were seen instead.

٢. وَلَم يَستَمِع فيها أَحاديثَ مُرسِلٍ
وَلَكِن رَأى فيها حَديثَ الحَوادِثِ

3. It had sent him forth, from the days of youth,
But the motives for departure made him stay.

٣. وَقَد كانَ مَبعوثاً إِلَيها مِنَ الصَبا
فَأَقعَدَهُ عَنها قُعودُ البَواعِثِ