
If his morning greeting were mine

لو كان منه باسما لي الصباح

1. If his morning greeting were mine
The frown would not conceal my joy from me

١. لَو كانَ مِنهُ باسِماً لِيَ الصَباحْ
ما كَتَم التَقطيبُ عَنّي الأَقاحْ

2. So neither eye has pleasure in gardens
Nor heart relief away from my heartache

٢. فَما لِعَينٍ عَن رِياضٍ رِضاً
وَلا لِبَرحٍ عَن فُؤادي بَراحْ

3. Neither fun I have become, nor desired
Absence of my beloved has deprived me of delight and comfort

٣. لا مَرِحاً صِرتُ وَلا مُشتَهىً
أَفقَدَني فَقدُ المِلاحِ المِراح

4. As for my tears and eyelids, I know naught
Save that they are blood from wounds

٤. أَمّا دُموعي وَجُفوني فَلا
أَعلَمُها إِلّا دَماً مِن جِراح

5. My breast is straitened by tears for him
If he go or come tomorrow, he seeks a free rein

٥. يَضيقُ صَدرُ الدَمعِ مِنّي بِهِ
فَإِن غَدا أَو راحَ يَبغي السَراح

6. Secrets did not come between us
So I wrong the tears if I say "they gushed"

٦. لَم تَدخُلِ الأَسرارُ ما بَينَنا
فَأَظلِمُ الدَمعَ إِذا قُلتُ باح

7. My messages resemble your trysts
That one and this one going with the winds

٧. رَسائِلي تُشبِهُ ميعادَكُم
تِلكَ وَهَذا ذاهِبٌ في الرِياح

8. My grey hairs' ugliness has made me shun
Lest salt and pepper resemble the ugly and fair

٨. زَهَّدَني قُبحُ مَشيبي إِلى
أَن أَشبَهَت عِندي المِلاحُ القِباح

9. Ravines of coquetry attract me not in love
Nor did mention of parting's channels flow

٩. فَما مَهاوِي الشنفِ لي في هَوىً
وَلا جَرى ذِكرُ مَجاري الوِشاحِ

10. No concern, for love is a concern
Nay, renouncing while forgetting is renouncing

١٠. وَلا اِهتِمامٌ وَالهَوى هِمَّةٌ
بَل اطِّراحٌ وَالسُلُوُّ اطِّراح