1. Do not accept the words of slanderers, for they
Were enemies to us in their love of you.
١. لا تَقبَلوا قَولَ الوُشاةِ فَإِنَّهُم
كانوا لَنا في حُبِّكُم أَعداءَ
2. Your thoughts came to me, so slander came to meet them
And turned them back corrupted when they came.
٢. جاءَت خَواطِرُكُم إِلَيَّ فَجاءَها
بِالإِفكِ فَاِنصَرَفَت بِهِ إِذ جاءَ
3. He is in my heart when he draws near and turns aside,
Whether he is good to me or does me wrong.
٣. هُوَ في الفُؤادِ إذا دنا وتناءى
ومناهُ أحسنَ أو إليَّ أساءَ
4. When discourse runs in it, my tears run to join it,
So that the discourse is turned into weeping.
٤. وإذا جرى فيه الحَديثُ جَرى لَهُ
دَمعي فَيَنقَلِبُ الحَديثُ بُكاءَ
5. They said, "Your heart is somewhat inclined to him." I said, "Nay,
Indeed, there are many things in it, by your life."
٥. قالوا بِقَلبِكَ مِنهُ شَيءٌ قَلتُ لا
بَل إِنَّ فيهِ لَعَمرُكُم أَشياءَ
6. Punishment falls for no crime of theirs.
And punishment sometimes falls as a reward.
٦. يَقَعُ العِقابُ لِغَيرِ ذَنبٍ مِنهُمُ
وَلَرُبَّما وَقَعَ العِقابُ جَزاءَ
7. My soul's discourse in reproach is courage.
So I held back from voicing reproach through modesty.
٧. وَحَديثُ نَفسي بِالعِتابِ شَجاعَةٌ
فَحَصِرتُ عَن بَثِّ العِتابِ حَياءَ
8. How excellent that you should live after us,
O deserters, while we die faithful!
٨. ممّا مُنانا أَن تَعيشوا بَعدَنا
يا غادِرينَ وَأَن نَموتَ وَفاءَ
9. Whether we obeyed censors among you,
Or obeyed the immoral among you.
٩. إِمّا عَصَينا فيكُمُ النُصَحاءَ
فبما أَطَعنا فيكُمُ البُرَحاءَ
10. You are the beautiful one - that is your name.
My death since the day Adam was taught the names.
١٠. أَنتَ المَليحُ وَذَلِكَ اِسمُكَ مُنيَتي
مِن يَومَ عَلَّمَ آدَمَ الأَسماءَ
11. O He whom I call "my son," and who is one
Who disobeys sons in his love of fathers!
١١. يا ذا الَّذي أدعوهُ بِاِبني وَهوَ مَن
يَعصي البَنونَ لِحُبِّهِ الآباءَ