
The slow night of the dawn's youth

وليل بطيء طلوع الصباح

1. The slow night of the dawn's youth
Yearned with desire for the radiant fates

١. وَلَيلٍ بَطيءٍ طُلوعِ الصَبا
حِ شَوقاً إِلى القَسَماتِ الصَبيحَه

2. You unlocked my heart while being benevolent
It was not right that you make it benevolent

٢. أَبَحتَ فُؤادي وَأَنتَ المُباحُ
وَما كانَ مِن حَقِّهِ اَن تُبيحَه

3. The viciousness of a raging heart did not help me
In the battle against separation

٣. وَما أَصحَبَت في قِتالِ العَذولِ
اَعِنَّةُ قَلبٍ عَلَيهِم جَموحَه

4. My essence is preoccupied with the north wind of Syria
God has surely tortured his soul with the wind

٤. مُعَنّى بِريحِ شَمالِ الشَآمِ
لَقَد عَذَّبَ اللَهُ بِالريحِ روحَه

5. May God not comfort my heart from your nearness
With a whiff of relieving despair

٥. فَلا رَوَّحَ اللَهُ مِن قُربِكُم
فُؤادي بِخَطرَةِ يَأسٍ مُريحَه