
This is a torment with no respite

هذا عذاب لا يفتر

1. This is a torment with no respite
At the slightest my heart is shattered

١. هَذا عَذابٌ لا يُفَتَّرْ
بِأَقَلِّهِ قَلبي تَفَطَّرْ

2. Does not the lover contemplate
What has befallen him and not contemplate

٢. أَفَلا يُفَكِّرُ في المُحِب
بِ وَما دَهاهُ ألا يُفَكَّرْ

3. What he feared has come upon him
From you though he did not fear it before

٣. ما كانَ يَحذَرُ نالَهُ
مِنكُم وَما لا كانَ يَحذَر

4. Is he not to be found in a paradise
For the union though aggrieved to be consoled

٤. أَفَلا يُرى في جَنَّةٍ
لِلوَصلِ ذا المَحروبُ يُجبَر

5. They cast him into their forgetfulness
That he is not even mentioned in disdain

٥. قَذَفوهُ في نِسيانِهِم
حَتّى وَلا بِالسوءِ يُذكَر

6. By my father Hilal, he who saw him
Gained reward when he magnified

٦. بِأَبي هِلالٌ مَن رَآ
هُ أَفادَ أَجراً حينَ كَبَّر

7. How many a heart fasted from sins
Then for it dawned and so it broke fast

٧. كَم صامَ قَلبٌ عَن ذُنو
بٍ ثُمَّ لاحَ لَهُ فَأَفطَر

8. Oh woe to his questioner whom
Oh would that he be made to flow away

٨. يا وَيحَ سائِلِهِ الَّذي
يا لَيتَهُ لَو كانَ يُنهَر

9. Oh you who make me hope with your promises
Do you think me with misfortune to be content

٩. يا مُنظِري بِوُعودِهِ
أَتَظُنُّني بِالحَتفِ أُنظَر

10. Hasten for I have a term and you
Will come with it though not made late

١٠. عَجِّلْ فَلي أَجَلٌ وَأَن
تَ بِهِ تَجيءُ وَما يُؤَخَّر

11. For me in you is a planting would that
Before my plucking it had borne fruit

١١. لي فيكَ غَرسٌ لَيتَهُ
مِن قَبلِ قَطفِيَ كانَ أَثمَر

12. The night knows that I
In the night for the moons do stay up

١٢. اللَيلُ يَعلَمُ أَنَّني
في اللَيلِ لِلأَقمارِ أَسهَر

13. Is this nail from the glint of night
Passing or is it hammered in fixed

١٣. هَذا المُسامِرُ مِن نُجو
مِ اللَيلِ سارٍ أَم مُسَمَّر

14. A eye was delighted with it resembling
With a herd of gazelles scattered about

١٤. أَنِسَت بِهِ عَينٌ تُشَب
بِهُهُ بِسِربِ مَهاً مُنَفَّر

15. And increased were its numbers
While the stars of my tears from it are more

١٥. وَتَكاثَرَت أَعدادُهُ
وَنُجومُ دَمعي مِنهُ أَكثَر

16. Stumbling in its setting
And the tear in it stumbled over

١٦. مُتَعَثِّراً في غَربِهِ
وَالدَمعُ فيهِ ما تَعَثَّر

17. Would that the dawn in the horizons
Had frowned or crept in

١٧. لَيتَ الصَباحَ عَلى المَشا
رِقِ قَد تَهَجَّمَ أَو تَسَوَّر

18. Arise oh dove perhaps if
You cooed to the trees you would bewitch

١٨. قُم يا حَمامُ عَسى إِذا
غَرَّدَت لِلأَشجارِ تُسحِر

19. The lips of blossoms that shined
And cheeks of roses that blushed

١٩. لِثُغورِ زُهرٍ أَومَضَت
وَخُدودِ وَردٍ قَد تَخَفَّر

20. The gentle breeze so it loosened
From its sleeves what had been pinned

٢٠. لَطُفَ النَسيمُ فَحلَّ مِن
أَكمامِهِ ما قَد تَزَرَّر

21. The river is elated
Its flowers like a jewel-studded sword

٢١. النَهرُ مَزهُوٌّ جَلا
هُ الزَهرُ كَالسَيفِ المُجَوهَر