1. My worries today seem higher than yesterday's
So let not the blamer mention India or names
١. هُمومي أَراها اليَومَ مِن أَمسِها أَسمى
فَلا يَذكُرِ العُذّالُ هِنداً وَلا أَسما
2. I was not ignorant in my youthful days
But in old age, knowledge has increased in me
٢. وَما كُنتُ أَيّامَ الشَبابِ بِجاهِلٍ
وَلَكِن يَومَ الشَيبِ قَد زادَني عِلما
3. Yesterday passed from me, today vanished after it
And tomorrow is not mine, so why do I worry?
٣. مَضى أَمسِ عِنّي وَاِنقَضى اليَومُ بَعدَهُ
وَلَيسَ غَدٌ مِنّي فَلِمْ أَحمِلُ الهَمّا
4. Are not the days sated with my flesh they perspired
From the bone till they shatter both flesh and bone?
٤. أَما تَشبَعُ الأَيّام لَحمي عَرَقتَهُ
عَنِ العَظمِ حَتّى تَصْدَعَ اللَحمَ وَالعَظما
5. Injustice made justice between my body and heart
An era that gives this one and that worry and ill
٥. قَضى الجَورُ عَدلاً بَينَ جِسمي وَقَلبِهِ
زَمانَ يُوَفّي ذا وَذا الهَمّ وَالسُقما
6. And both occurrences became easy for me
So I make the days hear no praise or blame
٦. وَهانَ عَلَيَّ الحادِثانِ كِلاهُما
فَلا أُسمِعُ الأَيامَ حَمداً وَلا ذَمّا
7. It oppresses me like a rock and thinks
If I sigh, I will not reveal it is a deaf rock
٧. تَوَطَّأَ مِنّي صَخرَةً وَتَظُنُّها
إِذا آهِ لَم أُعلِن بِها صَخرَةَ صَمّا
8. The days know not my value in their ignorance
While I and they are like the sun and blind
٨. وَما تَعرِفُ الأَيّامُ قَدري لِجَهلِها
وَإِنّي وَإِبّاها لَكالشَمسِ وَالأَعمى
9. I used to see my fate as an adversary
Until today I knew it had made peace with me
٩. وَكُنتُ أَرى بِالأَمسِ دَهري مُحارِباً
إِلى أَن عَلِمتُ اليَومَ أَن كانَ لي سِلما
10. It was but unjust, except that
Its days differed, as it increased my injustice
١٠. وَما كانَ إِلّا ظالِماً غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
تَفاوَتَ في يَومَيهِ إِذ زادَني ظُلما