1. What is wrong with you, O Iblees, to pursue us
With water and provision?
١. ما لَكَ يا إِبليسُ مِن خَلفِنا
تَطلُبُنا بِالماءِ وَالزادِ
2. Yesterday, you expelled us from Paradise
With a serpent from that valley,
٢. أَمسِ مِنَ الجَنَّةِ أَخرَجتَنا
بحيَّةٍ من ذلك الوادي
3. And today, it has returned to a paradise
Of gardens with kindling.
٣. واليومَ قد عادت إلى جنةٍ
مِن وَجَناتٍ ذاتِ إيقادِ
4. Yesterday, in expelling the father
And today, in expelling the children,
٤. بِالأَمسِ في إِخراجِهِ والِداً
وَاليَومَ في إِخراجِ أَولادِ
5. You want to bring us down a second time -
How long will you lie in wait?
٥. تُريدُ أَن تُهبِطَنا ثانِياً
إِلى مَتى أَنتَ بِمِرصادِ
6. O old man, leave us be, for in our time
No beloved came with pimps.
٦. يا شَيخُ سِر عَنّا فَفي دَهرِنا
ما جاءَ مَعشوقٌ بِقَوّادِ