1. Despite the frowns of the blamer
He came to greet me with what I, without consent, never hoped for
١. وَباتَ يُحَيّيني عَلى رَغمِ كاشِحٍ
بِما لَم أَكُن لَولا الرِضا أَتَمَنّاهُ
2. With two goblets atop his rosy cheek
That blushed like the ruby in the folds of his neck
٢. بِخِمرَينِ خِمرٍ فَوقَ وَردَةِ خَدِّهِ
يَرِقُّ وَخَمرٍ في أَقاحِ ثَناياهُ
3. The morning light receded in awe of his radiance
And the darkness of night receded in awe of his glow
٣. فَوَلّى ضِياءُ الصُبحِ مِن خَوفِ فَرعِهِ
وَوَلّى ظَلامُ اللَيلِ خَوفَ مُحَيّاهُ
4. I became oblivious from excessive joy in his nearness
As if I did not meet him the night we met
٤. وَقَد غِبتُ مِن فَرطِ السُرورِ بِقُربِهِ
كَأَنّي ما أَلقاهُ لَيلَةَ أَلقاهُ
5. I kissed him before he could voice his reproach
And revered him before I could hear his complaint
٥. وَقَبَّلتُهُ عَن أَن يَفوهُ بِعَتبِهِ
وَأَجلَلتُهُ عَن أَن أَبوحَ بِشَكواهُ
6. When he quivered on my chest and kissed his lips
A lover, I quenched his thirst, slaked him, and sang to him
٦. إِذا اِهتَزَّ في حَلي وَقَبَّلَ ثَغرَهُ
مُحِبٌّ فَسُقياهُ سَقاهُ وَغَنّاهُ