
Your blame and love are both weaknesses of fire

ملامكم والحب ضعفان من نار

1. Your blame and love are both weaknesses of fire
And in one there is no excess over any measure

١. مَلامُكُمُ وَالحُبُّ ضِعفانِ مِن نارِ
وَفي واحِدٍ ما زادَ عَن كُلِّ مِقدارِ

2. And why did you avert your eyes to what it brought
For we have warded off hearts with eyes

٢. وَلِم لُمتُمُ الأَبصارَ فيما أَتَت بِهِ
فَإِنّا دَفَعنا عَن قُلوبٍ بِأَبصارِ

3. So you did not innovate in what we were awake for
For people have stayed awake nights for moons

٣. فَلَم تَبتَدِع فيما سَهِرنا لِأَجلِهِ
فَقَد سَهِرَ الناسُ اللَيالي لِأَقمارِ

4. And my eyelid swore, and it is no oath-breaker
That I did not see the garden except with rivers

٤. وَأَقسَمَ طَرفي وَهوَ لَيسَ بِحانِثٍ
بِأَن لا رَأَيتُ الرَوضَ إِلّا بِأَنهارِ

5. In my heart are faces, if you saw their meadows
Do not forget from its words the likes of flowers

٥. بِقَلبي وُجوهٌ إِن رَأَيتَ رِياضَها
فَلا تَنسَ مِن أَلفاظِها مِثلَ أَزهارِ

6. Beauties I have glorified with a rosary
So who denies glorification of the Creator

٦. مَحاسِنُ قَد سَبَّحتُ مِنها بِسُبحَةٍ
فَمَن يُنكِرُ التَسبيحَ لِلخالِقِ الباري

7. And you neglected my heart and did not care for it
So I became without a heart and you without a home

٧. وَفَرَّطتَ في قَلبي وَلَم تَحتَفِل بِهِ
فَصِرتُ بِلا قَلبٍ وَصِرتَ بِلا دارِ

8. Is my appointment in truth or in justice?
For I have spent my days and not fulfilled my times

٨. أَفي الحَقِّ أَم في العَدلِ مَطلُ مَواعِدي
فَقَضَّيتُ أَيّامي وَلَم تُقضَ أَوطاري

9. Unite me if the secret overwhelms me in passion
Otherwise estrangement reveals my mysteries

٩. فَصِلني إِذا اِستَكتَمتَني السِرَّ في الهَوى
وَإِلّا فَإِنَّ الهَجرَ يَكشِفُ أَسراري