
Tell the beloved, when you recite his name to us

قل للحبيب إذا تلوت لنا اسمه

1. Tell the beloved, when you recite his name to us
Why not recite with it the Father of the Two Grandsons

١. قُل لِلحَبيبِ إِذا تَلَوتَ لَنا اِسمَهُ
أَفَلا تَلَوتَ بِهِ أَبا السِبطَينِ

2. The people nicknamed him as the Grandfather of one
While Allah nicknamed him as the Father of the Two Openings

٢. الناسُ كَنّوهُ بِسبطٍ واحِدٍ
وَاللَهُ كَنّاهُ أَبا الفَتحَينِ

3. No opening is like blocking that pays off the costly
Two openings from him reach the value of two blockings

٣. ما الفَتحُ مِثلُ السَدِّ يَفدي بالِغَ ال
فَتحَينِ مِنهُ بالِغُ السَدَّينِ

4. His magnificence made eyes too short, so every
Eye wishes to pay him back with both eyes

٤. قَصَرَت مَهابَتُهُ العيونَ فَكُلُّ ذي
عَينٍ يَوَدُّ فِداهُ بِالعَينَينِ

5. Why are eyes not paid back with eyes when a hand
Gives, so every hand goes away with an eye

٥. لِمَ لا تُفَدّى بِالعُيونِ يَدٌ إِذا
أَعَطت فَكُلُّ يَدٍ تَروحُ بِعَينِ