1. The foolish youth said to the son of the deserter
An inexperienced, naive young man
١. يقول على غعبني على ابن فله
البيهس الشب التقي
2. If only the noble youth had solved his problem
He turns towards him, finding nothing
٢. قد اكتسى لو الأصيل حله
يجهش تجاهه ما لقى
3. He shows the unwanted blood on his teeth
With teeth like twisting branches
٣. يبدى على الدم النكير سعله
باسنان مثل العولقي
4. He leaves the rats a marked path
When he starts from the burrow
٤. يخلى الفيران بسيس بسله
إذا بدا من موشقي
5. His death in the mud was certain
It's a lie if he found a house
٥. قد صح موته في الطبيق خله
كذب ان من دور لقى
6. When he went hunting, he stretched his robes
They and his moustache meet
٦. إذا خرج للصيد مد سبله
هي والشوارب تلتقى
7. If he yawned, he left a cliff with his mouth
Next to his mouth a gaping hole
٧. وإن تقعم خلت جرف عبله
في جنب فمه خزوقي
8. By God, his breath and the protection of God
Decimates Saturn through the skull suture
٨. ونفس رأسه والعياذ باللَه
يدكم زحل بالمفرق
9. And the session of life was short and paralyzed him
And after red there was nothing left
٩. وجلسة الدنيا قليل وشله
وبعد حمران ما بقى
10. And being busy with the immediate distracts us from it
While good fortune in life comes to the focused
١٠. والخوض في العاجل عنا وشغله
والسعد في الدنيا التقى