
He says justice and peace as a greeting

يقول عدل والسلام تحيه

1. He says justice and peace as a greeting
To reach the mosque with good intention

١. يقول عدل والسلام تحيه
تبلغ إلى الجامع بحسن نيه

2. From when he prays he explains the case to him
He says to him justice he has a complaint

٢. من حين يصل يشرح له القضيه
يقول له عدل معه شكيه

3. The first is to build for him the toilets
And the second orders the joy of the well

٣. الأوله تعمر له المطاهير
والثانيه تأمر بمسرة البير

4. So the wind blows the fan in the purifier
And I do not have a lantern for the evening

٤. فالريح في المصفا بتنفخ الكير
ولا معي قنديل للعشيه

5. And my eastern wall is eroded
God protect it, may it not increase erosion

٥. وجدري الشرقي قدوه مهدف
الله يصونه لا يزيد يودف

6. And I do not have a friend or acquaintance
And I ask you the judge and the sheriff

٦. ولا معي صاحب ولا معرف
واسال بذا قارش والاشرفيه

7. So if you have anything the lover spends
Oh I wish, O mosque, and you are honorable

٧. فان به معك شي فالمحب مصرف
يا ليت يا جامع وأنت تشرف

8. Until you realize my condition and know
Honor him with the acceptable image

٨. حتى تحقق حالتي وتعرف
تشرفه بالصوره الرضيه

9. So the mosque borrowed and said no problem
With your condition you have introduced me to people

٩. فاستلفت الجامع وقال لا باس
بحالتك قد عرفوني الناس

10. Welcome, welcome, hello honored head
And my output was the leader of Al-Azba

١٠. أهلا وسهلا مرحبا على الراس
وخرجتي بير العزب دليه

11. He sat down on Friday Rajab and wandered
He left the house and came from the land

١١. جلس إلى جمعة رجب وغزر
خرج من الداير وجا من البر

12. And the school is on his right and the gown
And his image is like the bright moon

١٢. والمدرسه عن يمنته والابزر
وصورته مثل القمر مضيه

13. The mosques were heard with the outing
So they came running with every prostrator

١٣. تسامعت بالخرجه المساجد
فأقبلت تجري بكل ساجد

14. And the mosque came with every worshipper
And knowledge in it and the acceptable condition

١٤. وأقبل الجامع بكل عابد
والعلم فيه والحاله الرضيه

15. He arrived above the cliffs and dialed
He used doctrine there and Al Abhar

١٥. وصل إلى فوق الجروف وقنبر
فاستخدم المذهب هناك والأبهر

16. And Al Nazili came complaining of being broke
And gave him a bouquet of picked roses as a gift

١٦. وجا النزيلي يشتكي مغور
وادا من الورد الجني هديه

17. He reached him, knocked on his door
So the mosque was upset and saddened

١٧. وصل إلى عنده خبط بحصره
فإعترا الجامع غثا وحسره

18. And said to the Generous God a look
The bouquet is ruby, the will has drowned

١٨. وقال لله الكريم نظره
الصنو ياقوت غطس الوصيه

19. So Justice said, my brother expects
Let the empowered try and listen

١٩. فقال عدل يا أخي توقع
خلى الموفق يفتهن ويسمع

20. If there is no interruption in speech for him
Or else the bouquet would remain his paralysis

٢٠. إن لم يكن به للكلام مقطع
والا بقت يا صنو هو شليه

21. Al Nazili said I have from the gifts
Of incense, brooms and cabinets

٢١. قال النزبلي لي من المواهب
من البخور والكنس والدواليب

22. So I have taken the easy and close road
And not the toilets in winter are haunted

٢٢. فقد سلكت السهل والمقارب
ولا المطاهير في الشتا طريه

23. The mosque turned to the way of justice
And the hanthal rose and it changed

٢٣. توجه الجامع طريق عدل
وقد طلع حنظل وهو مبدل

24. And the judge came as he staggered
And Al-Bahma tripped after them a little

٢٤. وأقبل القاضي وهو بيهذل
والبهمه ابطت بعدهم شويه

25. From when Suha began to chatter
And poor Justice was shining

٢٥. من حين بدا صوحه بقى يحولق
وعدل المسكين قدوه مشبرق

26. He returned to the burning mosque strongly
And said you have given me eight pounds

٢٦. عاود إلى الجامع قوي يحرق
وقال انالي في الثمان وقيه

27. Always my time I do not know the caretaker
And they do not warm me with two fires

٢٧. دايم زماني ما اعرف السنيدار
ولا يدفوني بكزتين نار

28. If my money is endowed then you are my neighbor
Because your habit, O Great One, remains

٢٨. إن كان مالي وقف فانت لي جار
لأن عادك يا كبير بقيه

29. So the mosque replied and said receive good news
It is inevitable that we look into you and see

٢٩. فجوب الجامع وقال أبشر
لا بد ما نوبه إليك وننظر

30. And fix the discord in you and rebuild
Between me and you the honest friendship

٣٠. ونصلح المختل فيك ونعمر
بيني وبينك مروح النضيه

31. Make a bed inside the front
Yes, by the Prophet, your condition is trivial

٣١. شادي فراش من داخل المقدم
إي والنبي قد حالتك زريه

32. And the fisherman came angrily distressed running
From Bab Hanthal horrified and crying

٣٢. وأقبل الصياد يهف مسرى
من باب حنظل مفتجع بيجري

33. And in his hand a long folded paper
Drafted in it clear matters

٣٣. وفي يده قرطاس طويل مغرى
مسوده فيها أمور جليه

34. Greeted the mosque and said listen
I am a poor needy person and I admit to you

٣٤. سلم على الجامع وقال إسمع
أنا فقير محتاج إليك واقطع

35. If there is something for God expand
You have done for him from your favor a lie

٣٥. إن فيك شي لله وشا توسع
فعلت له من فضلتك كذبه

36. So the mosque replied with a sufficient answer
And said I was dry to you before

٣٦. فجوب الجامع جواب شافي
وقال انا لك كنت قبل جافي

37. I will send to the bowl and stick to the potter
To assess how much fits you meanly

٣٧. شارسل لقصعه والزم الحفافي
يقدروا كم يدخلك شقيه

38. So Justice stood up praying
And said may my Lord protect you

٣٨. فقام عدل بالدعا يلبي
وقال له تاقى عليك ربي

39. With this your speech you have fed my heart
Your habit is of the people of chivalry and zeal

٣٩. بذا كلامك قد غذيت قلبي
عادك من اهل العرف والحميه

40. So the mosque laughed and said
By God do not hide your soul

٤٠. فاستلفت الجامع وهو بيضحك
وقال لله ما اخف روحك

41. It is clear I wade among those who reach your shore
And can from the western side of the building

٤١. قد بين اخوض فيمن يصل صوحك
وبوسعه من غربي البنيه

42. You were a poor needy person for addition
And your situation is smaller than the stock market

٤٢. قدك فقير مضطر إلى زياده
وقبلتك أصغر من المزاده

43. And they said about you that you accept worship
And you do not have experience or preparation

٤٣. وفيك قالوا تقبل العباده
ولا معك جربه ولا تكيه

44. So he said frowning, and I saw good for you
That you are expelled at the door of Abu Tair

٤٤. فقال معيض وانا رأيت لك خير
انك مسنب عند باب ابو طير

45. And cast in your intention, Abu Al-Khair
And the hermitage is your right a pure cell

٤٥. واطرح في قبلتك أبو الخير
والصومعه حقك خور نقيه

46. So I walked awake to the crossing
And Al-Yzidi is dialing in the group

٤٦. فسرت في اليقظه إلى المعبر
وان اليزيدي في الزمر مقنبر

47. A jurist who knows matters and is insightful
Not Ibn Sirin has to him softness

٤٧. فقيه عارف للأمور مدبر
ولا ابن سيرين له إلى هنيه

48. So I said to him that I saw a vision
That Justice approached prosperity

٤٨. فقلت له إني رأيت رؤيا
بأن عدل قارن الثريا

49. And that he inclined to goodness and righteousness
And that he has lively photographs

٤٩. وانه إلى الخير والصلاح تهيا
وأن فيه أصواح عامريه

50. And I inspired him next to the enlightened
It is inevitable that he notice him and rebuild

٥٠. وسنبته في جانب المنور
لا بد ما يلحظ إليه ويعمر

51. And tear the prayer niche with green marble
And with a mosque cube like the Umayyad Mosque

٥١. ويخرش القبله بلاز أخضر
وبقتلب جامع بني أميه

52. Necessary from the daring family outlets
And they plant in it onions and trees

٥٢. لا بد من جرية عيال جسار
ويغرسوا فيها البصل والاشجار

53. And they teach in it rhetoric and flowers
And make salts and dried fruits

٥٣. ويدرسوا فيه البيان والازهار
ويعملوا ملحه وشاطبيه

54. And make him a reservoir in his niche
And make a steam room for the endowment

٥٤. ويفعلوا في قبلته خزانه
ويعملوا للوقف حبخانه

55. And necessitate for it the trusteeship with chard
And a strong caretaker for it

٥٥. ويلزموا له بالسليط أمانه
وله سنيدار شوكته قويه

56. And plant in the hermitage a muezzin
Who remains vibrating in the church

٥٦. ويغرسوا في الصومعه مؤذن
يبقى يشوعاً في الكنيس مطنن

57. From the sound of his tasbeeh the jinn fart
And in it an imam of religion with a turban

٥٧. من جور تسبيحه تضرط الجن
وفيه إمام دين بجامكيه

58. So the mosque took the way to Sanaa
And Justice walked in his company happily

٥٨. فدنق الجامع طريق صنعاء
وسار عدل صحبته بيسعا

59. May God preserve its pride and care for it
Because the origin of grace is inherent in it

٥٩. الله يحفظ غرته ويرعى
لأن عاد الفضل فيه سجيه

60. So the partridges were restricted for the mosque
And the cranes clapped with their wings

٦٠. فأحجرت للجامع البراقيق
وصفقت باجناحها الغرانيق

61. And the lark moved the tambourines
And the meadow’s mouth smiled

٦١. والعنبرود قد هزت المواريق
وافتر ثغر الروضه النديه

62. And his path was from in front of Shamlah
Leaving the peoples on his left with a kiss

٦٢. وكان طريقه من قبال شمله
خلا شعوب عن يسرته بقبله

63. And he has done good and the best of sums
And achieved the purpose with good intention

٦٣. وقد فعل معروف وخير جمله
وقام بالمقصد بحسن نيه

64. So he walked until he passed the trenches
Mentioning from the garden previous talk

٦٤. فسار حتى جاوز الخنادق
ذكر من البستان كلام سابق

65. That he is a weaver, most fortunate evening and fleer
Between the states and the meadow

٦٥. أنه حراف أسعد مساء وآبق
بين الدول والروضة النديه

66. So the chicks came to him immediately
They shook flags of hair and feet

٦٦. فأقبلت فروه إليه في الحال
هزت بيارق من شعور وأراق

67. She said my mattress from her mat is long
My life and I complain the owner of the shelter

٦٧. قالت فراشي من حصيرته طال
عمري وانا اشكي صاحب التكيه

68. And next to the shrine he continued to call upon
And said how many times do I have to pray

٦٨. وجنبه المشهد بقى يداعي
وقال كم لي للصلاه مراعي

69. So the mosque replied and said caretaker
So the high need is that it be slow

٦٩. فاستلفت الجامع وقال راعي
فالحاجه العال هي تكون بطيه