1. Egypt mixed her tears with his blood,
And she collapsed, crying over his remains,
١. مزجت مصرُ دمعها بدمائه
وتهاوَت تبكيه في برحائِه
2. My soul yearned for them as she wept,
And he bought her survival with his death,
٢. لهف نفسي عليهما وهي تبكي
وهو يشرى بقاءها بفنائه
3. His noble soul was too great to live,
While the wounded's life was filled with pride,
٣. كبرت نفسُه الكريمة أن يح
يا حياة الجريح في كبريائه
4. So she whispered to him to break the shackles,
And cleanse your spearhead from the unjust,
٤. فأسرّت إليه أن حطّم القي
دَ وطهّر سناك من ظلمائه
5. So he answered the call “I am at your service, O Egypt!”,
And his voice trembled in his blood,
٥. فأجاب النداء لبّيك يا مص
ر وللصوت رجفة في دمائه
6. And he rose to the sky as a martyr,
Exalt this martyr in the highest,
٦. وتعالى إلى السماء شهيداً
جلّ هذا الشهيد في عليائه
7. Honor his memory, for God has honored,
His soil with abundance from His bounty,
٧. أكرموا ذكره فقد أكرم الل
هُ ثراهُ بالفيض من آلائه
8. And shed tears as a prayer for him,
That would melt over his enemies,
٨. وأريقوا الدموع طلّاً عليه
وحميما يشوى على أعدائه
9. He is, in existence, like the dawn and light,
And like the night in the eternity of his survival,
٩. إنه في الوجود كالفجر والنو
ر وكالليل في خلود بقائه
10. He is in the sky and earth an eternal spirit,
Immortal, essence of his purity,
١٠. إنه في السماء والأرض روحٌ
سرمديٌّ مجوهرٌ بصفائه
11. He appeared to me like an apparition, overwhelmed by passion,
And like a voice, disappeared into echoes,
١١. طاف بي كالخيال تيّمه الشو
قُ وكالصوت غاب في أصدائه
12. So sighs poured over my mouth,
Inspired by his sorrow and crying,
١٢. فترامت على فمي زفراتٌ
ملهماتٌ من حزنه وبكائه
13. I said “This light was once dust,
God deposited in it the secret of His heavens,
١٣. قلت هذا الضياء كان تراباً
أودع اللَهُ فيه سرّ سمائه
14. How did the dust become light, O Lord,
That dazzled the eyes of the world with its radiance?”,
١٤. كيف حال التراب يا ربّ نوراً
عشيَت أعين الدُنى بسنائه
15. So my thoughts called out that he is the flower,
That died in the springtime of its meadow,
١٥. فتنادت خواطري إنه الزه
ر الذي مات في ربيع روائه
16. And my innermost being whispered that he is the heart,
That his eternal spirit immortalized,
١٦. وتناجت سرائري إنه القل
ب الذي خلّدته روح مضائه
17. Verily this light is the memory of a martyr,
Whose heart God cleansed with His brilliance,
١٧. إن هذا الضياء ذكرى شهيدٍ
طهّر اللَه قلبه بضيائه
18. He lived in his land a stranger, and turned away,
Like the lamp of a stranger in its valleys,
١٨. عاش في أرضه غريبا وولّى
كشكاةِ الغريب في حوبائه
19. He lived in his land a stranger, as the forefathers lived,
Who were left behind by their ancestors,
١٩. عاش في أرضه غريبا كما عا
شَ الأُلى خلّفوه من آبائه
20. The lord of a night that passed supplicating God,
With a flood of prayers in his invocation,
٢٠. ربّ ليلٍ أفناه يزجى إلى الل
ه ضراعات مسرف في دعائه
21. Saying “O Lord, this is Egypt complaining,
Of the injustice of this foreigner in his tyranny,
٢١. قال يا ربّ هذه مصر تشكو
ظلم هذا الدخيل في غاوائه
22. O Lord, life is an arrogant wave,
The Nile’s boat wanders lost in its curves,
٢٢. رب إن الحياة موج عتِيٌّ
زورق النيل في حناياه تائه
23. Its sailor slept, so the winds blew it astray,
And the helmsman was heedless of steering it,
٢٣. نام ملّاحه فألوت به الري
ح وعيّ النوتيّ عن إرسائه
24. O Lord, this existence is made by Your palms,
Yet we are deprived of its good and comfort,
٢٤. ربّ هذا الوجود من صنع كفي
ك حرمنا من خيره وهنائه
25. You are its Compeller, to You belong power and might,
You separated its dawn from its evening,
٢٥. أنت جبّاره لك الحول والقو
ة ميّزت صبحه من مسائه
26. My people lived in it as humiliated slaves,
To a colonizer whose life is their demise,
٢٦. عاش قومي فيه عبيدا أذّلا
ء لمستعمرٍ حياته كفَنائه
27. They fled from Tabarq and Bir Hakeem,
Like scattered ostriches in the desert,
٢٧. فرّ من طبرُق وبئر حكيم
كالنعام الشريد في بيدائه
28. Woe to him who portrayed the youth as wounded,
And before the innocent he went astray in his transgression,
٢٨. ويحه مثّل الصغار جريحا
ولدى البرء ضلّ في طغوائه
29. He won by treachery, so the foolish were jubilant,
And he permitted murder amongst his allies,
٢٩. جنّ بالنصر فاستطار سفاها
وأحلّ التقتيل في حلفائه
30. The universe was astonished - inanimate and sensate -
At the coward whose roar is his demise,
٣٠. عجب الكون من جماد وحسّ
لجبانٍ زئيره كفنائه
31. A criminal who thought us slaves to him,
So he hopes for surrender from his prisoners,
٣١. مجرم ظنّنا عبيداً لديه
فهو يرجو الخنوع من أُسرائه
32. How can his fire hurt those who surrounded him,
With the loyalty of the faithful in adversity?
٣٢. كيف يدمى بناره من أحاطو
ه بعطف الوفيّ في ضرّائه
33. Verily it is a story of humiliation recited,
Over a land whose affliction is from its ordeal,
٣٣. إنّها قصّة المهانة تتلى
فوق أرض بلاؤُها من بلائه
34. The story of the English in the land of Egypt,
It is the crop of history since its inception,
٣٤. قصّة الإنكليز في أرض مصر
وهي نبتُ التاريخ منذ ابتدائه
35. O Egypt, I would not have been from the Nile’s people, if you lived,
While the Nile of eternity suffers from its ordeal,
٣٥. مصر لاكنتُ من بني النيل إن عش
تُ ونيل الخلود يشقى بدائه
36. And I am the peasant's son, bitten by poverty,
With fangs that hurt from its tribulation,
٣٦. وأنا ابن الفلّاح عضّنيَ الفق
رُ بنابٍ أوّاه من بلوائه
37. And I am the wretched worker in my ignorance,
The deprived patient, from whom all desires are stripped,
٣٧. وأنا العامل الشقيّ بجهلي
المريضُ المحرومُ من أهوائه
38. I perish in Egypt from hunger and nakedness,
While the enemy revels in its fertile land and wealth,
٣٨. أنا أفنى في مصرَ جوعاً وغري
يتسلّى بتبره وثرائه
39. I perish in my homeland while my enemy,
Fools around with its wine and women,
٣٩. أنا أفنى في موطني وعدُوّي
يتلهّى بخمره ونسائه
40. I have not known life if I lived a day,
While my enemy wanders lost in his arrogance,
٤٠. لا عرفت الحياة إن عشت يوماً
وعدوّي يتيه في خيلائه
41. And the Nile of eternity in the universe's consciousness,
Is the complaint of the stabbed in his gut,
٤١. ولنهر الخلود في مسمَع الكو
ن شكاةُ المطعونِ في أحشائه
42. And I am the capable poet with my art,
To return life to its dismembered limbs,
٤٢. وأنا الشاعر القديرُ بفنّى
أن أرُدَّ الحياة في أشلائِه
43. O youth of jihad, the Nile has called you,
So revive your souls with its sacrifice,
٤٣. يا شباب الجهاد ناداكم الني
لُ فأحيوا أرواحكم بفدائه
44. It is the Nile, Egypt’s heart, and you,
O youth of jihad, are from its sons,
٤٤. إنه النيلُ قلب مصر وأنتم
يا شباب الجهاد من أبنائه
45. Do it justice against those who made lawful,
Blood that God forbade to be shed in His heavens,
٤٥. أنصفوه ممّن أحلّوا دماءً
حرّم اللَهُ سفكها في سمائه
46. And you have in the martyr a true example,
Exalt this martyr in the highest!
٤٦. ولكُم في الشهيدِ أُسوَةٌ حقٍّ
جلّ هذا الشهيد في عليائه