1. Had it not been for an old servant of the Master
The secret would have become public
١. لولا ولولا ولولا
عبدٌ قديم لمولى
2. And I would have become just words
And been absent from everything
٢. لأصبح السر جهرا
منى وأصبحت قولا
3. That appeared and manifested
Had it not been for the care of the All-Merciful's eye when He manifested
٣. وغبت عن كل شيء
مما بدا وتجلّى
4. Had it not been for, had it not been for, had it not been for
The generosity that did not abandon me
٤. لولا عناية عين الر
حمن حين تجلّى
5. Glory be to Him, the Most High
My Master, as long as I am your servant
٥. لولا ولولا ولولا
كرامة ما تخلّى
6. For He knows
That I humbled myself completely
٦. سبحانه وتعالى
مولاي ما دمت مولى
7. And He, as my Lord
Humility towards His servant is more appropriate
٧. فإنه هو يدري
أنى تفانيت ذلّا
8. And that I, and He is my Lord
Am only a poor one, nothing but
٨. وأنه وهو ربي
بعبده الذل أولى
9. And I am for Him, so be for me
O Lord, in word and deed
٩. وأنني وهو ربي
مسكينه ليس إلا
10. My Master, as long as I am deserving
So I will meet You as deserving
١٠. وإنّنيه فكن لي
يا رب قولا وفعلا
11. And I do not know a master
Other than Yourself as deserving
١١. مولاي ما دمت أهلا
فسوف ألقاك أهلا
12. Nor virtue for other than You
And how can one possess virtue
١٢. ولست أعرف مولا
ي غير ذاتك أهلا
13. Except through Your grace, my Lord
My Lord, Most High and Majestic
١٣. ولا لغيرك فضل
وكيف يملك فضلا
14. He is the Hopeful, the Generous
For what is subtle and majestic
١٤. إلا بفضلك ربي
ربي تعالى وجلّا
15. At every instant and moment
As long as I possess words
١٥. هو الكريم المرجى
لماه دقّ وجلّا
16. And intimacy and passion alternate after separation
My Master, after me
١٦. في كل حين وآن
ما دمت أملك قولا
17. There was nothing but imprint and murder
And my heart has been stripped
١٧. ولى بنجواه وجد
والهجر يعقب وصلا
18. Of everything other than complete devotion
So be for Your servant, my Lord
١٨. مولاي ما كان بعدى
إلا انطباعا وقتلا
19. As long as he is deserving of grace
And grant me success, greet and pray peace
١٩. وقد تجرد قلبي
من كل غير تخلّى
20. My Master, purify and bless
٢٠. فكن لعبدك ربي
ما دام للفضل أهلا
٢١. وامنُن وصلّ وسلم
مولاي زكّى وصلّى